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What does an ERP project manager do: roles, responsibilities, and tools

What does an ERP project manager do: roles, responsibilities, and tools

Imagine you’re building a big LEGO castle. You need someone to plan, organize, and make sure all the pieces fit together perfectly, right?  That’s what an ERP Project Manager does for businesses, but instead of LEGO, they work with computer systems.

In this blog, we’ll explain in the easiest way what an ERP Project Manager does.

Whether you’re a business enthusiast, curious about jobs, or just like learning new things, stick with us to uncover the roles of an ERP project manager that helps businesses run smoothly, and use tech tools accordingly.

Let’s get started!

What is an ERP Project Manager?

erp project manager

An ERP Project Manager is not just a technical monitoring person to run your business process. He/she is a strategic planner, responsible for ensuring that the ERP (enterprise resource planning) system aligns perfectly with your organization’s goals. 

An ERP Project Manager helps companies use a special computer system called ERP. They set it up, customize it, and teach others to use it. Think of them as tech leaders who make businesses work better with smart tools.

On the tech side, the ERP Project Manager fine-tunes the system, teaming up to match it with what the company needs. At the same time, they’re key in managing change, creating training, and handling resistance to help folks get comfortable with the new system.

Balancing both strategy and tech makes them super important, guiding businesses to work better with cool tech solutions.

“For any organization there are just a few key processes that handle the core business.  All the other processes support the key processes on a certain aspect.

ERP: Tools, Techniques, and Applications – Carol Ptak, Eli Schragenheim.

What is the Onboarding Process of an ERP Project Manager

Onboarding Process of an ERP Project Manager

Now that we know who an ERP Project Manager is, let’s explore how they are integrated into a business system. Think of it as a professional onboarding process. As like every job, the onboarding process of an ERP Project Manager is also important!

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Before Day One of An ERP Project Manager

  1. Welcome Package:
    • Send a welcome email or package introducing the new Project Manager to the team.
    • Include essential information about the company, its values, and culture.
  2. Preparation:
    • Prepare a workstation with the necessary equipment (computer, phone, etc.).
    • Set up access to relevant systems and tools.

Week 1: Orientation and Introduction

  1. Introduction to the Organization:
    • Conduct an orientation session to introduce the Project Manager to the organization’s structure, key departments, and leadership team.
  2. Project Overview:
    • Provide a detailed overview of the ERP project, including its goals, scope, and timeline.
    • Share relevant project documentation and materials.
  3. Team Introduction:
    • Schedule meetings with key team members, stakeholders, and collaborators.
    • Facilitate introductions and encourage team bonding.
  4. Company Policies and Procedures:
    • Review and discuss company policies, procedures, and code of conduct.
    • Provide documentation and resources for reference.
  5. Technology and Tools Training:
    • Conduct training sessions on the ERP system, project management tools, and other relevant technologies.
    • Ensure the Project Manager is comfortable using the tools required for the role.

Week 2-4: Deep Dive

  1. Detailed Project Briefing:
    • Dive into the specifics of the ERP project, discussing each module, key functionalities, and integration points.
    • Provide access to detailed project documentation.
  2. Stakeholder Meetings:
    • Schedule meetings with key stakeholders to understand their expectations, requirements, and concerns.
    • Encourage open communication and relationship-building.
  3. Risk Analysis and Mitigation:
    • Conduct a risk analysis session, identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies.
    • Discuss how risk management will be integrated into the project plan.
  4. Project Plan Review:
    • Review the project plan, milestones, and deliverables.
    • Discuss timelines, dependencies, and critical paths.


  1. Regular Check-Ins:
    • Schedule regular check-ins with the Project Manager to address questions, concerns, and progress updates.
    • Provide constructive feedback and support continuous improvement.
  2. Training Opportunities:
    • Identify additional training opportunities, workshops, or courses that could enhance the Project Manager’s skills.
  3. Networking Opportunities:
    • Encourage participation in industry events, webinars, and networking opportunities to stay updated on ERP trends.
  4. Performance Review:
    • Conduct regular performance reviews to assess the Project Manager’s progress and address any challenges.


  1. Feedback Session:
    • Gather feedback from the Project Manager on the onboarding process.
    • Use feedback to improve the onboarding process for future hires.
  2. Integration into the Team:
    • Ensure the Project Manager feels integrated into the team and understands their role in the overall success of the ERP project.

Remember that onboarding is an ongoing process, and it’s crucial to adapt the plan based on the individual’s progress and feedback. Regular communication and support are key to a successful onboarding experience.

What are the Key Roles of an ERP Project Manager?

Key Roles of an ERP Project Manager

In this section, we are going to explore the core responsibilities and roles of an ERP Project Manager –

1. Project Planning

Project Planning is like creating a roadmap before taking a trip. It’s a crucial step where an ERP Project Manager lays the foundation for a successful project. By defining the route and destinations, they ensure everyone reaches the desired goal smoothly.

Process of Project Planning

In the process of project planning an ERP project manager will:-

  • Set clear goals and objectives.
  • Define what’s in and what’s out (scope).
  • Break down tasks into manageable steps.
  • Allocate resources wisely.
  • Create a timeline with important stops.
  • Watch out for potential bumps in the road (risks).
  • Keep an eye on your spending (budget).
  • Stay connected with your team and fellow travelers (communication).
  • Write it all down like a detailed itinerary.
  • Be flexible – adjust your plans when needed.

Following those processes, an ERP Project Manager will ensure the planning of project completion.

2. Team Coordination

Team Coordination, as a part of an ERP Project Manager’s responsibilities, revolves around effectively managing and guiding your team toward a common goal.

Process of Team Coordination

Processes an ERP Project Manager follows in coordinating the teams:

  • Assembling a group with diverse skills and talents.
  • Ensuring each team member understands their role and leverages their strengths.
  • Strategizing and coordinating tasks seamlessly.
  • Maintaining open communication channels among team members.
  • Providing leadership, inspiration, and guidance to achieve success.
  • Monitoring progress and making adjustments as needed.
  • Addressing challenges while fostering team morale.
  • Celebrating achievements together.
  • Staying flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances.

Always remember, it’s the collective effort that drives success! An ERP manager must have the ability to drive activities all together.

3. Requirement Gathering

Requirement Gathering is like collecting pieces for a puzzle. An ERP Project Manager tries to understand what’s needed. Now, let’s see how it’s done.

Process of Requirement Gathering

  • Talking to people to know what they want.
  • Listening carefully to gather details.
  • Make a plan based on what you’ve learned.
  • Writing down everything.
  • Checking requirements again.

4. Budget Management

Budget Management is your financial compass in the world of ERP Project Management. It’s like being the careful captain of a ship, ensuring you have enough provisions for a successful completion. Let’s set sail and explore how it’s done.

Process of Budget Management

  • Chart a course by planning how much money you’ll need for the project.
  • Navigate your expenses, just as a captain steers the ship, to stay within the budget.
  • Prioritize spending, making sure the most crucial items get funded first.
  • Adjust your financial sails if unexpected costs come your way.
  • Scrutinize your calculations like a seasoned navigator to avoid errors.
  • Keep the crew (stakeholders) informed about budget updates on your journey.
  • Be as flexible as the sea, adapting to changing financial tides.

5. Timeline Management

As an ERP Project Manager, your job is to lead and oversee the ERP project. You’ll coordinate tasks, manage the budget, and keep things on schedule. Think of it as being the project’s captain, guiding it to success with your team.

Process of Timeline Management

  • Set clear deadlines for different project tasks, like marking dates on a calendar.
  • Keep an eye on progress to ensure everything is on schedule, like watching the clock.
  • Make sure tasks fit into the project’s timeline, like pieces of a puzzle coming together.
  • Adjust the timing if there are delays or changes, like resetting your watch.
  • Pay attention to all the details, just as you would for important appointments.
  • Keep your team in the loop, like giving everyone a heads-up about when the bus is coming.
  • Stay flexible and adapt to changes, like being ready for unexpected twists in your journey.

In a nutshell, Timeline Management is your project’s timekeeper, making sure everything happens when it should.

6. Risk Management

When you are the captain of any project, you must keep in mind what sort of risks you will face in the near future. You must draw a plan for managing the probable risks and follow the solutions that are needed.

Processes of Risk Management

  • Find out what could possibly go wrong in the project.
  • Understand how bad each problem could be and how likely it is to happen.
  • Make plans to stop these problems or reduce their impact.
  • Keep an eye on the project to catch any problems early.
  • Act quickly if something goes wrong to prevent it from getting worse.
  • Keep everyone informed about what’s happening.

7. Vendor Management

Vendor Management is a crucial part of ERP Project Management. It’s like making sure all the pieces of a puzzle fit perfectly. As an ERP Project Manager, your role is to work smoothly with external partners. Let’s explore how this puzzle comes together.

Processes of Vendor Management

  • Identify and select the right vendors for the project.
  • Define clear expectations and requirements for vendors.
  • Establish open communication channels to keep everyone in sync.
  • Monitor vendor performance to ensure they meet their commitments.
  • Address any issues or conflicts promptly.
  • Collaborate closely with vendors to achieve project goals.

Processes can be varied according to projects. But, as a skilled ERP Project Manager, you must cope with the perspectives.

8. Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance ensures your ERP project meets high standards. It’s like the final check before a product hits the market. Let’s dive into how it ensures your project’s success.

Processes of Quality Assurance

  • Set clear quality standards and criteria for the project.
  • Create quality control checklists and procedures.
  • Regularly review and assess project progress against quality standards.
  • Identify and address any deviations or issues promptly.
  • Conduct thorough testing and validation of project components.
  • Ensure that the final deliverables meet the defined quality benchmarks.

These processes help maintain high-quality standards throughout the ERP project.

9. Communication

Communication is the lifeline of your ERP project. It’s the essential tool that keeps everything running smoothly. Let’s delve into how effective communication ensures your project’s success.

Processes of Communication

  • Establish clear communication channels and guidelines.
  • Define roles and responsibilities for communication within the project team.
  • Keep stakeholders informed about project progress, changes, and important updates.
  • Actively listen to feedback and address concerns promptly.
  • Conduct regular team meetings and status updates.
  • Foster an environment where open and transparent communication is encouraged.
  • Utilize appropriate communication tools and technologies.
  • Adapt communication strategies to accommodate the project’s evolving needs.

These processes ensure that communication flows effectively within the ERP project, promoting collaboration and success.

10. Training and Support

Training and Support are like friendly guides on your ERP project journey. They make sure everyone knows the way and has a helping hand when needed. Let’s explore how these essential elements lead your project to success.

Processes of Training and Support

  • Identify the training needs of your team.
  • Develop training materials and resources.
  • Provide comprehensive training sessions for team members.
  • goOffer ongoing support and assistance as the project progresses.
  • Create a knowledge-sharing environment among team members.
  • Address any issues or questions promptly.
  • Adapt training and support strategies to meet changing project requirements.
  • Encourage continuous learning and skill development within the team.

These processes ensure that your team is well-prepared and supported throughout the ERP project, contributing to its overall success.

What are the key requirements for being an ERP Project Manager?

Let’s explore the core requirements that make a successful ERP Project Manager:

  1. Strong Leadership Skills: An ERP Project Manager should be a capable leader who can guide and motivate the project team effectively.
  2. Excellent Communication: Effective communication is essential to convey project goals, expectations, and updates clearly to team members and stakeholders.
  3. Problem-Solving Abilities: The ability to identify issues, find solutions, and make quick decisions is vital in addressing project challenges.
  4. Technical Proficiency: A good understanding of ERP systems and relevant technology is necessary to oversee the project successfully.
  5. Project Management Expertise: Experience in project management methodologies, tools, and techniques is crucial for efficient project planning and execution.
  6. Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable to changing project dynamics and unexpected obstacles is essential.
  7. Risk Management Skills: The capability to identify, assess, and mitigate risks is vital in ensuring a smooth project journey.
  8. Organizational Skills: Keeping track of project details, schedules, and resources requires strong organizational abilities.
  9. Client and Stakeholder Management: Building and maintaining positive relationships with clients and stakeholders is crucial for project success.
  10. Quality Assurance Focus: A commitment to maintaining high-quality standards throughout the project is a key requirement.
  11. Team Player: Collaboration and the ability to work effectively within a team are essential qualities.
  12. Time Management: Efficiently managing project timelines and resources is critical for meeting project objectives.
  13. Budget Management: Handling project finances and resources responsibly is an important skill.
  14. Conflict Resolution: The ability to manage and resolve conflicts within the project team and with stakeholders is valuable.
  15. Continuous Learning: Staying updated with industry trends and advancements is necessary to ensure the project remains competitive.
  16. Client-Centric Approach: Putting the client’s needs and expectations at the forefront of project planning and execution is vital.

What are the top ERP Tools for a Project Manager?

We do follow a pattern while listing tools. Check one of our listicle blogs in WPRP.


When it comes to managing projects within the WordPress ecosystem, WP ERP is the only solution you may look for.

WP ERP is an all-in-one business management solution for WordPress that includes HRM, CRM, and accounting modules. It helps small and medium-sized businesses track and grow their ventures, automate tasks, and improve efficiency.

Benefits of WP ERP

  • Easy to use and affordable
  • Integrates seamlessly only with WordPress and WooCommerce
  • Comprehensive suite of features, including CRM, accounting, HR, and project management
  • Scalable to meet the needs of growing businesses

2. NetSuite

NetSuite serves as a dynamic cloud-based ERP solution, enabling businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and obtain immediate insights into their performance.

Benefits of NetSuite

  • Comprehensive suite of features, including CRM, accounting, inventory management, and order management
  • As it is Cloud-based, accessible from anywhere
  • Scalable to meet the needs of growing businesses
  • Strong track record of success with mid-sized to large businesses


SAP is a leading provider of enterprise software solutions that help businesses of all sizes run more efficiently and profitably. SAP’s software suite covers a wide range of business functions, including finance, accounting, CRM, supply chain management, and manufacturing.

Benefits of SAP ERP

  • One of the most widely used ERP systems in the world
  • Offers a wide range of features and functionality
  • Highly scalable and customizable
  • Strong track record of success with large businesses

4. Oracle ERP

Oracle ERP is a powerful ERP solution that helps businesses automate their operations, improve efficiency, and gain real-time insights into their performance. With Oracle ERP, businesses can manage their finances, customers, inventory, and supply chain all from a single platform.

Benefits of Oracle ERP

  • Known for its scalability and performance
  • Offers a wide range of features and functionality
  • Highly customizable
  • Strong track record of success with businesses of all sizes

5. Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP is the ERP solution that’s built for the way you work. It’s cloud-based, so you can access it from anywhere, and it’s easy to use, so you can get started quickly.

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365

  1. Part of the Microsoft Dynamics suite of business applications
  2. Integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft products
  3. Offers a wide range of features and functionality
  4. Scalable to meet the needs of growing businesses

Closing Up

From our discussion, it’s clear that ERP Project Managers play a crucial role in guiding organizations through successful ERP implementations. They lead, plan, and manage the intricate process, aligning technology with business objectives.

We believe now you have a better understanding of the roles of an ERP project manager, and the importance of implementing one for your business.

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