The belief that tracking time will make us slower instead of making it faster is nothing but a fallacy. In the real world, time tracking allows you to measure your working pace, adjust to the deadlines and constantly enable you to challenge yourself to surpass your previous work performance. In this digital age, proper time tracking requires software nowadays. And there are a number of notable time management software benefits that we are going to discuss in the post today.
From the very beginning to the ending of a project, you will encounter some common scenarios like “How many hours do we need to complete this project?”, “Which employee can do it faster?”, “Who is the most qualified to delegate a task?”, “How to improve my quotes and estimates?” and many more.
So hold tight to discover how the benefits of time management software can help you get things done and make the most of your time. Also, learn how to prioritize tasks, manage your projects, and increase your productivity with a proper time management process.
Importance of Time Management In Projects for Business
In many businesses, we often see projects are not completed on time. This is purely because they do not have a proper time management process in place. More essentially, they don’t even realize the importance of time management in business. So here are the factors that make time management ever so important.
Time Management enables you to:
- Learn to manage your time and resources more effectively to increase productivity and get more work done.
- Complete projects on time and within budget
- Visualize and control the project status
- Forecast future project schedules and resources
- Project managers to have close control of the time and expenses
- Manage your time while working on projects so that you work more efficiently
What Are the Main Benefits of a Time Management or Tracker Software?
As we are managing our business with a time tracker solution, we have found the following factors, gleaned from our experience, to be useful.

Pushing Employees to Meet the Pressing Deadlines
If your employees are using time management software, then they can see the status of their tasks from the software dashboard or from the task lists. This will propel them to submit their delegated task in due course.
Helping Your Teammates to Hop Onto the Higher Priority Tasks
It’s a quite common phenomenon that after finishing a certain task, your employees can’t figure out which task they should concentrate on or get started with. This is exactly where a time tracking tool comes to the rescue. With this, they can not only see the next tasks but can also see the priority level (low, medium and high) of a task. Thus, an employee can gauge his or her time for his/her assigned tasks and can hop on to the next task which requires a higher priority.
Improving Quotes and Estimates for a Sound Relationship With the Clients
Tracking time on every bit and piece of your project will enable you to generate reports on different types of tasks taken to complete. Based on this report, you can easily make your assumptions and thus can estimate the time to finish a project by giving improved quotes to your customers.
Measuring Billable Hours Accurately
If your team is taking an unnecessarily long time to complete a certain project or a series of tasks then billing your customers with respect to that time won’t give off good results. Your client can lose trust in you as he or she might think that you are billing him or her more than you deserve. Therefore, you need to identify and cut down the non-billable hours.
The good news is if you keep measuring your tasks properly then you can bill your client according to the net amount of time and work, done by your entire team.
Avoiding “Requirement Creep”
The lack of well-definition, well-documentation, and control may lead you to the feature creep problem which may gradually grow over time. Adding to that, scope creep works as a backlog of your project.
According to PMI’s 2018 Pulse of the Profession survey, 52% of projects had experienced scope creep problems.
As you will be tracking time for each of the tasks, it will be easier for your client to understand the fact that not to raise any requirement creep.
Paying Freelancers or Contractors for What They Really Deserve
With a time tracker solution, you can track the total amount of working time of your contractors or freelancers. This ensures that you are paying them for what they really deserve or for what they have actually done. This can be implemented the same way your staff fills the timesheets out in the same time tracking system.
Monitoring the Status of All Tasks at a Time
When you are managing different projects at a time, it becomes really tough to know the status of a task on demand. You will feel that tasks are coming on your way and gradually getting out of your way.
However, with advanced search options, you will just have to put the name of a certain task or the name of the user associated with the task on the search bar and hit the enter button to rescue a lost task your way. Besides, a time tracking tool with a dedicated dashboard will help you get a bird’s eye view of all the tasks of all projects.
Improving Project Schedules to a More Realistic Time-Frame
No matter how dexterous and experienced you are to estimate your project schedules correctly, there will always be uncertainty to complete a job within a specified time frame. If you fail to submit your projects within the specified time period then your client will consider you ‘unprofessional’.

On the other hand, if you do have enough data on previously completed projects or tasks then you can determine the expected time to finish a project and thus setting project schedules to a more realistic time frame becomes easier for you.
Getting the Opportunity to Compare Projects and Improve Efficiency
With the past data history of previously done projects, you can compare your currently completed projects so that you can measure whether you are taking the same time or less. This will surely pave the way to challenge yourself along with your entire team to do the same task within less amount of time.
Sidestepping Overloading Problems
When getting assigned tasks, a good number of people take them with good hearts – it’s because such people love to help others. But as time passes by, those tasks are lined up in front of them and it becomes really hard to complete them altogether. By tracking time properly, you can sense who is taking longer to execute tasks and can identify if they are burdened with overloading of tasks.
Rewarding Efficient Teammates
If you are tracking the exact time, taken by a certain teammate, to complete a particular series of tasks and if you observe that he or she has met his objectives and performed extra work then it is time to reward that person. This incentive will fuel him or her to do better in the future.
Turn Your Work Output to the Fullest With the Best Time Management Software
Hope you have noted down these amazing time management software benefits. We hope that these benefits would certainly influence you to get your team effective time management or tracking software because for some industries, it is mandatory to measure the working hours of your employees for reporting and compliance purposes. And looking at the benefits, quite evidently, using time management software will give you a quantum leap over your competitors.
On top of that, an online-based time tracking tool will set you free across the universe since you can access your dashboard anytime with just the internet connectivity from any type of device. This is why you need reliable and powerful time tracking or management software that can boost the efficacy of your teams’ efforts.
One such robust tool is WP Project Manager, that not only helps you in managing your and your team’s tasks efficiently but also keeps track of the time of all the projects to make sure you or your team isn’t going past the deadline. So if you are struggling to manage or keep track of the time of your project or any particular team member, then this tool can surely make a difference in task time management.
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To increase productivity, fulfill deadlines, and guarantee projects are finished on time and within budget, time management is essential for any firm. Utilizing time management software is now necessary to effectively track and manage tasks in the modern digital age. The advantages of time management software have been emphasized in this blog post, including the ability to gauge your working rate, meet deadlines, and push yourself to outperform prior job results.
Employing time management software can motivate staff to meet upcoming deadlines, which is one of its most important advantages. Employees are encouraged to submit their allotted work on time by being able to check the status of their tasks and deadlines through a software dashboard. This will help fulfill deadlines and guarantee the timely completion of projects while also increasing productivity.
Utilizing time management software also enables staff to move on to higher-priority tasks. Employees frequently struggle to decide which work to concentrate on next after finishing one. They can view their given duties and their priority levels with a time monitoring tool, nevertheless. By doing so, they can estimate how much time they will need for each work and go to the next, more important task.
Time management software is essential to better manage time and resources, finish projects on schedule and budget, visualize and monitor project status, and estimate future project timelines and resource requirements. Businesses can increase productivity and efficiency with the use of time management software, allowing them to accomplish their goals and objectives quickly and effectively.
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