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Best Proven Facebook Ads Strategies to Get Sure Clicks [with Examples]

Best Proven Facebook Ads Strategies to Get Sure Clicks [with Examples]

Ever wondered about the people that actively use Facebook every day? The number has gone up to 1.50 billion now. Yes, you read it right, the user base and popularity of Facebook has grown that big. So can you imagine the exposure any ads can get from this social media platform? The right Facebooks ads generate millions of dollars for many companies out there. So with the increasing number of ads on it, over the years Facebook ads strategies have also caught innovation & evolved drastically.

Users are smart these days, so just putting up ads isn’t going to trick the audiences nowadays. Businesses need to apply innovative ideas behind displaying ads on Facebook. So being able to follow the best strategies is highly essential to get maximum result in today’s ads friendly generation.

So here’s highlighting some of the best strategies to follow to turn your Facebook ad campaign a successful one.

Ingredients Required for a Successful Facebook Ads Campaigns

Every campaign needs the right element on point to make a strong impact. It is no different in the case for the ads campaigns for Facebook. Let’s check out some of the useful components to follow in order to run the Facebook ads successfully.

  • Attractive to the eye: There are millions of new, exciting content that gets uploaded to Facebook every day, meaning you are up against thousands of those new ad content that are fighting for the attention of your target audiences. So if your ads are just pale and simple, then you are promoting your brand all wrong. Successful ads need to be eye catchy to the viewers as any creative and appealing content catches the attention of potential customers much easier than boring any ad content.
  • Pertinent to your target audiences: Your potential clients should look at your ads and should instantly connect with it. But if you mislead your target audiences by trying to sell irrelevant items then that could irritate them to the core. So for example, if you are putting up ads to sell beauty products, then you got to make sure you are trying to sell it to the targeted women rather than the men who might not be interested in buying them.
  • Engagement & Interactions: Ads that are successful gets organic likes and comments. And this data of your ads driving more organic interactions among users is transferring signals to Facebook’s algorithm. So now when you put dollars behind such ad that is already organically well engaging with the users, this means a lower-cost CPM’s and generates a potential snowball effect as these interactions and engagements are being highlighted on the news feeds of other users.
  • Gripping Storytelling: Consumers of today’s generation are more smart and demanding than ever. So they don’t just want you to sell them a product with ads, they also cares to hear a story or two about it. So using the right images and words to tell a story about the products you are selling will not only help connect your customer better but also make them a part of it.

Types of Facebooks Ads Strategies That Has Always Worked

Now, one might ask themselves, how could they improve the performance of their next ad campaign on Facebook. Here, looking at some of the useful and effective ad campaigns, even you will be able to take inspiration from it for a better result creating creative ads for your next campaigns.

So let’s check out below some of the best practices & proven real-world examples for Facebook ads to be used in your next campaigns.

Special Occasion Ads

Special Occasion Ads

On special occasions like Christmas, Halloween, Black Friday etc, most companies giveaway discounts and special offers for its customers. They heavily promote their offers in the form of ads on Facebook as well. Above is one good example of ads for products discounts, special deals etc. on special days of the year.

Blog or Content Related Ads

Blog or Content Related Ads

There are thousands of sites that share quality blogs online and promotes it through various social channels. Blog Content promotion through Facebook is also a very popular medium nowadays. The above template is one good example of blog content ad on Facebook that can be followed to ensure maximum clicks for your shared content.

Recruitment Ads

Recruitment Ads

Most recruiting ads are posted using online and social media. And Facebook is currently one of the most used platforms to put up ads for hiring employees. Posting recruitment ads on Facebook can prove to be quite an effective one to spread it to the desired person. A good example of it can be seen above. Now anyone is able to put up ads on Facebook whenever they would feel the need of new recruitment.

Product Promotions

Product Promotions

Product promotions on Facebook earn many companies millions of dollars each year. It is the most convenient way of reaching millions of potential customers promoting any product anyone wants. An effective example of product ads on Facebook can be seen above where the company has listed all the key points of highlights to promote the item on the ads. This strategy has always proved effective in terms of being able to generate enough curiosity in people’s mind in order to get them click the ad.

Ads with Stats

Ads with Stats

We all trust stats and facts more than anything. It is the same when it comes to ads as well. Hence, nowadays many people put up ads of their promoting content including some stats in the image. Just like the ad above. This creates enough interest in people’s mind about the posted ad and in most cases makes them click on it due to that.

Writing the Right Copy to Drive the Best Result with Facebook Ads

To improve the effectiveness of the above Facebook Ads Strategies, writing the right copy is very essential. Placing the right CTA in the ad is also something one should put emphasis on. So considering the following best practices while writing ad copies is highly recommended.

Give Proper emphasis on the first line

First impression is the last impression, this formula works for online ads as well. So putting in enough effort to write the first line of your ad copy is a great idea to help capture the attention of your audiences. So you shouldn’t just rely on a definite formula, try to be creative while writing the first line of your copy as it is a proven remedy of getting strong reaction from your readers. Your first line is what people will read first, so making sure of grabbing their attention right away with it is really important.

Keep the copy well spaced, simple yet interesting

Making sure that your ad copy is interesting to read is super essential. You are fighting against thousands of copies every day so you would require a copy that can hold your reader’s attention. You might have a simple copy in your hand, but keeping it well spaced & interesting to keep the engagement going plays a big role in the performace of the Facebook ads.

Adding numbers to the copy can be a good ploy

Adding numbers to validate your ad copy makes is easier for you to convince people to click your post. So using numbers as a list or a way of validation will assure your readers can act as a perfect strategy to make them considerate towards your ads.

Test your ad copy

Once you are ready with your creative ad copy, implement it and then test it by changing one variable of the ad copy at a time to find out which one is working better than the other. You should do it over and over again to be able to revamp your ad strategy based on the number of clicks and conversion you got from those variable ad copies.

Using just enough emojis

Using the right emojis can turn your plain ads into funny & joyful one. So use them wisely into your ad copy but do not overuse it to make it look odd in the eyes. So emojis in ads can prove to be super effective when it comes to getting sure clicks.

Bring the Best out of Your Ads Right Now !!

It only takes a few seconds to write the ads copy but takes years to master it. If you already know what you want to establish with your ad then all you need to do is to pick the right copy and templates that best suits your ad campaigns.

As it is already a proven fact that, a copy of an ad is one of the key highlights for a flourishing ad campaign. Not to mention the importance of images that also plays a major role in its success. But nothing beats the essentiality of an engaging copy that allows the ad makers to relate and communicate with their audiences.

The time you get to grab the attention of your reader on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram is very minimal. So being innovative with your ad is the only chance you have to make the most out of your ads. Try to know your target audiences well enough to understand the kind of ad copy most attracts or holds the attention of the targeted readers.

And the strategies discussed above are meant to give you the idea of how to proceed with your Facebook ad. If any ads get you results, high conversion rates and generates leads to lifting up the sales then don’t be hesitant to publish or use it more than once.

And lastly, apply these strategies for your Facebook ads and do not forget to share the result with us in the comment section below.

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