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Best Way to Track Your Project Progress Using Calendar and Report Summary

Best Way to Track Your Project Progress Using Calendar and Report Summary

Say you have teamed up with a capable team and made sufficient planning to execute the project. Is that all you need to ensure a project’s success? Maybe if you are lucky, it might work for you that way, but more than half the time, a project tends to fail due to not having proper project progress tracking.

While managing a project, things could very well get messed up. And if you are unable to adapt and respond to it quickly, your project might just meet a dead end.

It is not unknown to us that project management isn’t just a theoretical concept anymore. It is all about the proper implementation, along with the right planning and set-up in a practical environment.

Putting emphasis on a precise project application is essential, as is measuring the progress of the project. as it is most likely the only way to ensure that you can effectively execute the plan and meet the goals and objectives of any project.

The benefits of tracking project progress

Every good project manager would want to use a complete project management tool like WP Project Manager as it can effectively manage & track their project progress.

This tracking of the project progress can also be done without using any tool but that will only lead to consuming more time decreasing productivity.

Some of the more intriguing benefits of tracking project progress with WP Project Manager include:

  • Being aware of the current status of the project
  • Forecasting the future performance & scope of the project
  • Identifying the bottlenecks of project scheduling
  • Improving team collaboration & spirit among team members
  • Identifying & mitigating risk while tracking project progress
  • Bettering internal communication with a project progress report

How to track the progress of a project with calendar and report summary

We already know the effectiveness and importance of tracking your project progress. Now let’s see how you can easily measure the progress of your project with a calendar and report summary using WP Project Manager Pro.

Calendar summary of WP Project Manager

After installing and activating the WP Project Manager, simply look for the calendar tab.

That is where you will get the summary of all project progress within the calendar.

User wise Project Calendar

Now you can get a complete overview of active task progress user-wise on the calendar to know what each of the active users is ingesting on the project.

How to track progress of a project through calendar

Now one can easily track the progress of each task filtering by projects and users. Different color signifying different task status in the calendar for easy identification of the state of the project.

The green marked tasks in the calendar identify as the incomplete task, while blue and red classify it as a complete and outstanding task respectively.

If you set a milestone for any project, then there is a separate color to view that as well in the calendar.

Calendar of WP project manager

Not just user or month-wise, a user can even track the on-going or projects due through a week or even by day to day wise view at the same calendar.

Projects/Tasks are colored in a distinguishable color to make it easier for its reviewer to differentiate between each project/task with one another.

Every task of the project is beautifully placed in the calendar to easily get access to each one of them individually.

Progress summary of WP Project Manager

Progress summary of WP project manager

There is a separate tab that documents the day to day task progress as well. So get a well-defined view of day to day progress of the task to find out at a glance of what has been going on each day.

Report summary

How to track progress of a project through summary

Not just project tracking via the calendar or task progress from its dedicated progress tab, in WP Project Manager, you can even generate a full report summary of the task of individual projects or users.

WP Project manager summary report

You can either pick a report type between ‘Summary’ to create a summary report based on all project, tasklist or all user or ‘User’ to generate a report on any individual users.

How to track progress of a project with summary

After choosing the report & summary type, simply pick the range of date for which you would like to generate the report for.

How to track progress of a project with summary report

And now all your requested project summary & report will be gathered and displayed for you at the same place for your review.

A few tips for measuring project progress better

No matter what business you are involved with or what project you are leading, a common question always arises of ‘How to track project progress better’.

So the following tips if followed precisely would certainly help your cause of needing to measure the project progress effectively. And over time would definitely assist in boosting your project into leading it to success.

Project Progress Tips with How to track progress of a project

Track progress to lead in project management success

While managing any project, the project manager, before answering how to track the project’s progress, should answer why and what things should be tracked in a project. So why should it be tracked?

Well, it is to make sure it meets the expectations of the stakeholders. And what are the things needed to be tracked? It is normally the project schedule, scope changes, budget, etc.

No doubt that tracking the project progress is a great exercise that actually helps in planning for the work that is left undone.

It effectively shows how much work has actually been done to date (based on updating the date). And then, based on your latest plan, it compares to let you know how much work should actually have been completed to date.

Now with WP Project Manager Pro, tracking your desired project progress is just a walk in the park. Go through the calendar summary sheet of all your projects to keep track of and manage any individual project hassle-free.

Want to find out why else WP Project Manager Pro is said to be the complete tool for all your Project Management steps? Then

And if you are already fascinated by it, then simply

Introduce your team to the smartest way to approach project management.

Also, if you have any queries related to it, feel free to let us know in the comment section or simply contact our support team.

1 thought on “Best Way to Track Your Project Progress Using Calendar and Report Summary”

  1. Pingback: Track Your Project Progress with WP Project Manager' Summary Report (New Feature) - weDevs

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