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How Should A Content Team Work Together

How Should A Content Team Work Together

A strategic Content Team facilitates you by connecting with your leads and customers.

Creating magnetic content and sticking your audience on your site is a tough job. To do so, you need a strong army of creative and skilled warriors who will fight for you to pull up the conversion rate and turn them into advisor.

But it’s again hard to tie up your team members in a disciplined way and split the responsibility effectively.

If you can align your team knights successfully, the productivity will increase up to 200%

This article will light up the following topics:

  • Set strategy to create a well-balanced content team
  • Content team roles and responsibilities
  • How to run a content team successfully
  • Which tools can collaborate with their activities

What Does a Content Team Actually Do

A content team is responsible for all aspects of generating contents and promote them in your brand voice.

Content marketing can be a cost-effective way to promote your brand and achieve the best revenue. You need a skilled team and well-run process to get the best output from your content team.

An elite and disciplined content team consist of content strategist, editor, writer, promoter, and designer can strengthen the marketing process of an organization in terms of identifying and satisfy the customers demand.

The way you structure your team sends a strong message about what your team is currently prioritizing and deprioritizing.

Kipp Bodnar, HubSpot
Content Team Structure

Teamwork Accelerates Your Company’s Revenue

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.

Andrew Carnegie

Teamwork is not just the way to complete a task, it’s more about how to collaborate with all the members and bring out the best result together.

Similarly, in a content team, everyone has his own duty and each individual responsibility is connected to the others.

It’s a kind of chain reaction. Consequently, if the internal connection breaks anywhere the entire team suffers.

In that case, pulling up the best productivity, all the team members must do their duty efficiently, accurately and timely.

Maintain proper communication among the team members is a challenge.

Luckily, we have many advanced tools in our hands today to share our thoughts smoothly in a group.

Also, by using these latest technologies you can easily track and monitor the team activities, review their works, generating new ideas, communicate with them and promote your brand.

Moreover, using analytical tools you can identify your visitor’s behavior to your site, their interest, points of improvement and much more.

For instance, a well-designed project management system lets you scan the activities of the responsible persons regarding the assigned project, their progress, deadlines, productivity, gaps, way to enhance and so on.

While your team members unite effectively and speak out in one voice, the profit line will always go up in the graph drastically.

Create a Team of Creative & Diverse Warriors

Content team members

An elite content team is a blend of versatile and resourceful people; consists of editors, writers, designers, promoter, strategist and analyzer.

It is important to have a wide vision who will set the strategy for the team as well as the analyzer should have the ability to find out the right option to grow your business.

A creative and knowledgeable bunch of people has the power to bring out the uniqueness of your service or product and create brand awareness among the target population.

Editors will polish the content to enhance the value and accuracy of the information.

Designers can show your imagination in real-time through images, videos, infographic or animation. It will intensify the user attraction and brand value.

From strategist to the promoter, you need each type of individuality in your content team to spread your brand widely.

The prime and most difficult job is to maintain the right alignment among the team members. First, you have to list down the action plan, then align your members with the assigned task and review their activities over the time period to gain the company goal.

Train up Your Content Team Members in a Smart Way

Content Team Training

Train up your team members to upgrade their skills related to their responsibility.

It will help to improve their work quality and keep them updated with the latest trends.

First, as a team leader, you should train up your team members how to communicate with each other, how to meet the deadlines, proper behavior towards the co-workers, individual responsibility, working process and keep alignment with the targeted goal.

As a business owner, you can also arrange training for your employees to introduce them with new or upgraded working methods.

It will energize and motivate them to go forward and produce productive output.

You can conduct a special training session for your content team regarding strategy plan, writing format, new updates of Google, using the latest technology, marketing strategies, smart presentation, SEO factors, team management, and others.

There are so many effective courses available online regarding content creation and promotion offered by well-known organizations like Udemy, HubSpot and so many.

You can encourage your content team members to join these training to boost up their quality.

Track Your Content Team’s Efforts

Content Team Monitor

Keep an eye on your team members performance and measure their progress will help your business grow fast.

As a team lead, you must have a strong grip over your team members working quality and quantity.

You should review their works on a regular time basis.

By the boon of the latest technology, this monitoring system becomes very simple and easy.

You can pick any updated tools fit for your requirement to analyze the performance and improvement of your team members.

Furthermore, you can keep your content team members aligned and organized by tracking their assigned tasks, milestones, deadlines, progressing, reports and much more just adding an advanced plugin WP Project Manager in your WordPress site.

Besides this amazing plugin, you will find many other smart solutions for reviewing your team activities through different platforms.

Encourage & Appreciate Your Team Members

Content Team Appreciate

Who does not love to be praised?

We all love to get an appreciation from our authority for our work. It drives us forward and intense our concentration toward our responsibility.

However, all the team members will not be able to touch the same ceiling.

As a team leader, it’s your responsibility to match up the work quality of your all team members. It’s not a simple task. It becomes harder for a creative team like content management.

Consequently, if you are a responsible person of a content team you should allow your members to spread their potentiality in their own way.

Your duty is to encourage them to bring out the best effort and quality work from them.

Strengthen The Unity of Your Team

Content Team Unity

Alone we can do little, but as a team, we can do something big, really bigger.

But bring a versatile number of people under the same roof is not an easy task.

In a content team, you have multi-dimensional people according to their working ability and potentiality. They can be chopped into small groups to achieve an individual goal.

Therefore, smooth coordination is must among all the subgroups to hook the alignment of your team members.

For instance, sharing knowledge sessions, going for a movie or picnic, family day, celebrating any special occasion or success together, etc. can be an effective way to build a strong bond between the team members.

Inside a content team, the members can share their knowledge with others and arrange growth hack sessions for sharing problems and new ideas.

It’s a great way to grow collectively. It will help them to generate new ideas for their content.

Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.

Peter Senge

Powerful Tools to Manage a Content Team Successfully

Content Team Tools

Well, the most important and challenging job for conducting a successful content team is to keep the alignment of the team members activities.

Moreover, updating high-quality content and keep reviewing their performance is another focused preference.

Luckily, we have different tools for idea generation, performance tracking, progress monitoring, project handling, a report analyzing, communication and much more.

Let’s see some effective tools to coordinate a content team.



An amazing tool to share your views and communicate with your other team members.

Slack helps to coordinate with the team members by creating individual open groups or private group for a limited population.

Furthermore, you can also go for a one to one conversation within your teammates.

Therefore, it’s an effective way to get in touch with your fellow activists to keep them updated with the important news and goings-on.

Google Drive and Doc

Google Doc

Google Drive gives you the facility to share your file with several people at the same time and you can also set their roles to your files.

It’s also flexible to use Google Doc as your default writing pad. It has almost the same view and criteria of Microsoft Words with some extra facilities that are very user-friendly.

Most importantly, it integrates some amazing features like sharing the doc with multiple people at one time, set their role by inviting them with their email address, live chat on the same window and so many.

You can also use Google Spreadsheets and Google Slideshare in the same way.

WP Project Manager

This WordPress add-on allows you to collaborate with your team members, manage their activities, tracking their progress, generate reports on their performance.

Even more, it helps you to get an overview of your on-going projects at any time.

It is helpful to optimize the cost and resources, keep the project on track, emphasize future plan, monitor your team members closely, find gaps and opportunities.

Bonus Point: Content Creation Tools

Visme - visualization tool

To create great content you need to visualize them to give a clear vision to your audience.

Visme is an all-in-one platform for creating presentations, documents, data visualizations, videos, and other branded content. It includes a drag-and-drop editor and a library of hundreds of templates, photos, and animated characters to reach and engage your audience. It offers features like a whiteboard for real-time collaboration and a report maker. No matter your role or level of design skills, with Visme your work life is easier.

Lightshot is a useful tool to get a customizable screenshot very easily along with some amazing facilities like sharing the web, getting a short link, adding text, changing colors, and others.

For creating a unique image or infographic to make your content more lucrative and presentable. You can use free online tools like Canva, Snappa, Piktochart to create your own image.

On PC you may use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for image editing.

Camtasia is a one-stop solution for screen recorders and video editors. You can make your own video here in your brand voice.

Wrapping up

Well, there is no concrete rules and regulation to maintain a content team. You must know the basics of managing a team successfully and a clear idea over the roles and responsibilities of your fellow team members.

Members of a content team should be creative and quick adaptive with the changing circumstances.

Hence, if you are still in any dilemma, a wide range of free and premium tools are ready to help you and your team.

1 thought on “How Should A Content Team Work Together”

  1. Pingback: WordPress News Hub – How Should A Content Team Work Together

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