Awesome Features
Using Awesome Support to provide support to your customers?
Easily bring them to your CRM so you get full relationship management features!

Import help desk contacts to CRM
With this tool, you are able to import your all Awesome Support contacts to your WP ERP CRM. This is automatic every time a user creates a ticket in your help desk!

Make Awesome Support contacts your opportunity
Increase your reach by marketing to your help desk contacts. Make them leads & subscribers. Create and assign tasks, schedule events and logs, send emails, assign groups, and make announcements directly from your CRM!

View all tickets & categorize
See all tickets submitted to your Awesome Support help-desk right from the contact’s profile in CRM. Relevantly categorize these contacts into leads, opportunities, subscribers, and customers.

View ticket number, subject & status
When a user submits a ticket, it will be instantly visible in your CRM. You can view the Awesome Support ticket number, subject, and whether it’s open, pending, or solved. You can also see a preview of the ticket.

Provide faster & more efficient customer service
The WP ERP-Awesome Support Sync lets you view clients’ purchase history & profile details directly from your CRM. The integration, thus, lets you provide faster and better service to your users.
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Powerful Extensions

WooCommerce Integration
Sync all your WooCommerce Store’s data with WP ERP’s CRM and Accounting module.