In June last year, Instagram reached the milestone of getting 1 billion active users on a monthly basis. And the platform is growing. More and more people are coming to share their stories with the world through Instagram.
Mainly being a photo-sharing platform, Instagram has started to allow video-sharing for their regular users, especially influencers with a certain length. On the first day of this approval, over 5 million videos were uploaded to this platform! And with all these amazing facts, Instagram is changing the whole picture of the social media world.
To create a quick impression and big-deep brand appeal, Instagram is the best option for your dream business project
Today, it’s not a question whether you have an account on Instagram or not. The question is- how would you utilize this platform in a proper way.
In this post, we have described significant Instagram user stats that let you prepare a smart plan. And when you have a plan, it’s easy to touch your milestone. Let’s start with Instagram marketing.
Marketing with Instagram: An Overview
When you are going to use Instagram for your business, you need to be aware of marketing possibilities with Instagram. The place or platform where you have the opportunity to create an impression and get some engagement, you should consider spending times and money only there. Before jumping on the main discussion of Instagram user statistics, be sure that there is no chance to ignore or avoid this awesome networking platform. Why?
Instagram is recognized as the best platform for storytelling. And today, storytelling is the most useful way to generate traffic. On the other hand, with the easy option of photo and video sharing, visual contents are essential these days for marketers like you. Coming to this point, we want to ask you- is there any alternative to Instagram for easily spreading out your visual contents?

Easily reaching targeted group of customers, building and managing community and keeping an eye on your competitors are some more significant reasons you can consider while going to market with Instagram.
So, having your presence in Instagram today is a necessity.
Instagram User Stats for Marketers and Organizations
We have divided Instagram user stats with some certain points to easily get and pick up the information you need. Let’s have a look.
Instagram History Timeline
With over 1 billion monthly active users and 500 million+ daily stories, Instagram is one of the top social networking platforms out there. Have a quick look at its history timeline.

2010: The journey began in October 2010!
2011: Was the year of getting recognition and awards.
2012: Android availability. Lots of release and updates with being a community of 80 million people. Getting acquired by the giant social media platform Facebook
2013: Touching the milestone of 100 million people, Introducing videos for the first time in June, releasing the update for Windows phone.
2014: Faster Instagram for Android, Introducing new creative tools and filters. Being a community of 300 million people.
2015: With lots of updates, becoming a community of 400 million people within a very short period- only 5 years!
2016: Introducing view-count feature on videos with allowing the longer version, and channels. Releasing a new look. Getting 600 Million windows from across the world.
2017: With lots of feature releases and updates, becoming a platform of 700 million people
2018: Introducing GIF stickers, updated Bio, video chat and music in stories. The storm of #metoo hashtag and more.
2019: Safer Internet Day, introducing check out feature and counting…
Click to check out details on Instagram history timeline and it’s origin story.
Instagram User Activity on a Daily Basis
With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram got 500 Million users every day.
The number of photos or videos uploaded or stories shared on Instagram can blow your eyes!
Over 100 Million photos, videos and over 400 million stories every day
Over 100 Million people watch or record videos on Instagram daily!
The platform gets 4.2 billion clicks per day.
People spend almost an entire hour every day on Instagram.
51% of Instagrammers access the platform daily, and 35% say they look at the platform several times per day.
300 million Instagramers use the ‘story’ feature every day.
According to the research by– video stories get 38% more engagement than images.

According to Instagram press- over 50 billion photos have been posted to Instagram so far, user activities recorded 3.5 billion daily including shares and likes.
Businesses on Instagram and Marketing Practices
There are over 25 million business accounts on Instagram, with 80% of users following one of them
More than 200 million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile every day
If we only search for the top 100 brands in the world, 90% have an Instagram account.
2 million+ advertisers worldwide rely on Instagram to share their stories and drive business results.
96% of US fashion brands use Instagram to reach their targeted customers
60% of Instagram users said they discover new products on the platform
User engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter.
32% of US teens list Instagram as their most important social network, more than any other social network.

User-generated contents have a 4.5% higher conversion rate on Instagram.
50% of businesses create at least one story every week.
60% of the top brands on Instagram use the same filter for every post.
Sources: Instagram, ScienceDaily, BrandWatch, EmbedSocial, etc.
Facilities for Businesses on Instagram
Using Instagram is free both for general users and businesses. Not only that, with a business profile on this platform, you can-
- Get real-time reports and metrics on how your stories and promoted posts perform throughout the day.
- Gain insights into your followers and how they interact with your posts and stories.
- Add information about your company, such as business hours, location and phone number, etc.
And all are free with Instagram. Check out how top businesses are using this awesome platform for their marketing and how.
Instagram Users by Country and Age
The United States is at the top of countries according to Statista report. Although, over 80% of users come from outside of the US as total!
According to PewInternet–
- Six in ten online adults across the countries have Instagram accounts.
- As a photo-sharing platform, female internet users are more likely to use Instagram than men, at 38% vs. 26%.
- 32% of teenagers consider Instagram to be the most influential social network
Statista found almost the same thing in their research. Have a look at the below report. Percentage of Instagram users regarding their age and gender.

When & How to Post on Instagram
Like other social media platforms, Instagram users too spend more times on weekdays. Best time to post on this platform is between 10AM-3PM. Another research by CoSchedule says that the best time to post on Instagram is at 5 PM on Wednesdays.
You know these are the things that not so true all the time. The fact is you should make your story as powerful as possible. When you are going to upload a photo, try to design it properly regarding what message you are going to provide and how your customers want to get it.

While recording or sharing a video, focus on its quality and smoothness. Try to avoid disturbing noises and inappropriate scene. And don’t forget to relate all your story with your actual brand message.
Read out the story of the most viewed photo of an egg on Instagram that beaten up all the celebrities.
And keep these points on your mind when you are going to share your story on Instagram.
- Posts that include one more handle gain 56% more engagement.
- Posts with at least one Instagram hashtag gain 12.6% more engagement.
- Stories with a location receive 79% more engagement.
- Photos see more engagement than videos on Instagram. The average engagement per post has grown by 416% compared to two years ago. 70% of the most used hashtags are branded.
Source: Instagram and SimplyMeasured
Finally, remember some information about Instagramers location. education and income that would help you easily reach your niche market. Check out the infographic.
Why Instagram is The Top Platform for User Engagement?
Forbes published an article saying that Instagram is the top social platform for user engagement.
With over 1 billion users, only 8% of Instagram accounts are reported to be fake and spammy. It’s much better regarding other platforms.

According to the Pew Research Center, Instagram’s growth was more smooth and obvious regarding others. See the above graph, Instagram’s growth is always on the high.
Not only that, Instagram is more popular among teenage boys-girls between 18 to 24. And Instagram’s growth is increasing by 5% every quarter beating Facebook at 3.5% and Snapchat at 2.5 %.
Final Words on Instagram User Stats
Instagram’s growth is really surprising. Starting the journey in 2010 by Kevin Systrom along with Mike Krieger, this photo-sharing platform made its own place within a very short period of time. Before getting acquired by Facebook, Instagram had 30 million users. Facebook’s acquisition by $1 billion was considered too much at that time because Instagram was an app with zero revenue. And the picture is totally different today.
Instagram is growing faster and with the expectation of getting 2 billion users by 2023, it’s one of the top players among social networking platforms today.
In this post, we have tried to discuss almost all the necessary information about Instagram (user stats and use cases) that you should know and consider while going to use it for your business. Now, it’s your turn to go ahead with your specific objectives. Happy marketing!
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