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Can not save contact note

Home Forums CRM Can not save contact note

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    • #74716
      Vincent Mueller


      when I try to save a note in the CRM > Contact section the progress bar stops before reaching the end and the note is not saved after refreshing the page manually. On my local server (MAMP) the plugin runs without any problem but when I use it on my web hosted site the problems occur. How can I solve this issue and make the plugin run on my website?

    • #74726

      Hello Vincent

      This is not a plugin issue actually but somehow it’s happening to your site particularly. Most of the cases like this happen due to a conflict but if you can share the console error, it would help us to understand the problem.

      Also, you can try after disabling the other plugins temporarily.


    • #74753
      Vincent Mueller


      I disabled all other plugins but the problem persists.

      The WordPress installation reported an error via E-Mail. It is in German, hope you can understand it.



      WordPress-Version 5.4.2
      Aktuelles Theme: Twenty Seventeen (Version 2.2)
      Aktuelles Plugin: WP ERP (Version 1.6.0)
      PHP-Version 7.2.31

      Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 150 der Datei /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/tareq1988/wp-eloquent/src/Eloquent/Database.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Exception: Table ‘DB4188015.wp_erp_crm_customer_activities’ doesn’t exist in /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/tareq1988/wp-eloquent/src/Eloquent/Database.php:150
      Stack trace:
      #0 /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/illuminate/database/Query/Builder.php(1705): WeDevs\ORM\Eloquent\Database->select(‘select *, MONTH…’, Array, true)
      #1 /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/illuminate/database/Query/Builder.php(1690): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder->runSelect()
      #2 /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Builder.php(462): Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder->get(Array)
      #3 /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp/vendor/illuminate/database/Eloquent/Builder.php(446): Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder->getModels(Array)
      #4 /mnt/web323/a1/96/51206196/htdocs/WordPress_05/wp-content/plugins/erp

    • #76721
      Antje Brendel


      I have the same issue! Is there any solution?


    • #115549

      Hello there,

      I hope you guys are doing well.
      This forum has been closed. Please feel free to contact us directly-> https://wperp.com/contact/ so that we can help you soon.


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