Customize CRM Life Stages

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    • #5628

      Is it possible to customize the CRM life stages ( Customer, Lead, Opportunity, Subscriber)?
      Some potential customers are finding the ‘Subscriber’ life stage problematic because they do not offer subscription service. ‘Subscriber’ does not match their business model. As a result, they consistently ask us if it can be removed or replaced with something else that is more appropriate for their business; but we can not see any way to edit or delete this.
      We suspect it is a matter of time before other potential customers identify other preferred life stages, so, please let us know if/how we can edit/delete the default life stage options.

    • #5634
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Hello Donovan,

      You can add your preferred customer life stages by using this filter: “erp_crm_life_stages”.

      Thank you πŸ™‚

    • #5635

      Thank you for the fast response Shaown!

      Can you provide an example of how to use the β€œerp_crm_life_stages” filter to change the “Subscriber” life stage to “Repeat Customer”?

      Specifically, can you show the necessary code and where to put it?


    • #5637
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Hi Donovan,

      Here is a sample for you:

      Note: You can put the lines into the “functions.php” of your child theme (you can also put these lines in the main theme’s function.php too, but if you update your theme anytime, all of your custom codes will disappear. So it is a good practice to use child theme for custom codes)

      Thank you πŸ™‚

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Shawon Chowdhury. Reason: clear
    • #5639

      Thanks Shaown. I wanted to replace “Subscriber” with “Repeat Customer” so I created a plugin to do so.

      I tried to post the code here using the ... tags; but was blocked by securi — so I added the plugin code to the wiki:

      Is this approach permissible/ advisable?


    • #5645
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Yes, this approach is fine. No worries πŸ™‚

    • #5672

      I am reposting this because my previous post is not visible — even though the recent topics and CRM forum topic index show that a post was made several minutes ago.

      Thanks Shawon. We have confirmed that we can indeed edit life stages using the ‘erp_crm_life_stages’ filter; however, it looks like the default life stages are hard-coded in the CRM Dashboard.

      We determined this by replacing “Subscriber” with “Repeat Customer” using the plugin code shown on the ERP Wiki ( We are now able to assign “Repeat Customer” instead of “Subscriber”; however, the CRM Dashboard now displays “Leads” where it used to display “Subscriber” — and does not display “Repeat Customer” as expected.

      Please see screenshot here:

      What must wee do to display custom life stages in the CRM Dashboard?

      Thanks Shaown!

    • #5673

      Hi Shaown,

      We’ve confirmed that this problem is caused by the following code segment which is hard-coded in … /erp/modules/crm/views/dashboard.php, lines 34-43:

      if ( $contact_key == 'customer' ) {
      echo sprintf( _n( '%s Customer', '%s Customers', $contact_value['count'], 'erp' ), number_format_i18n( $contact_value['count'] ), 0 );
      } else if ( $contact_key == 'opportunity' ) {
      echo sprintf( _n( '%s Opportunity', '%s Opportunites', $contact_value['count'], 'erp' ), number_format_i18n( $contact_value['count'] ), 0 );
      } elseif( $contact_key == 'subscriber' ) {
      echo sprintf( _n( '%s Subscriber', '%s Subscribers', $contact_value['count'], 'erp' ), number_format_i18n( $contact_value['count'] ), 0 );
      } else {
      echo sprintf( _n( '%s Lead', '%s Leads', $contact_value['count'], 'erp' ), number_format_i18n( $contact_value['count'] ), 0 );


      We’ve also posted this to the Wiki:

      Ideally, life stages should be a CRM option that can be set via the admin dashboard vs code overrides. Never-the-less, to make the β€œerp_crm_life_stages” filter useful there needs to be a way to override the CRM Dashboard view to display the custom life stages instead of the hard-coded life stages.

      Please advise if there is a filter or other recommended way to accomplish this.

      Thanks Shaown!

    • #5695
      Shawon Chowdhury

      We have fixed these via your posted issues on
      Thanks πŸ™‚

    • #5698

      @Shaown Thank you. @idiamin rocks – his two quick commits solved the problems. My custom life stages plugin now works perfectly with “erp_crm_life_stages” filter. Thanks!

    • #5699
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Glad to hear that you got it fixed. Thank you πŸ™‚

    • #8783

      Did I understand correctly that you have developed a WordPress Plugin that provides custom life stages in WP ERP’s CRM Module?
      I could sure use it if you don’t mind sharing!

      Hope e-mails are ok for posting, but feel free to use use [email protected].

      Thanks Mr. Chowdhury for allowing my question :

    • #8784
      Shawon Chowdhury


      Here is it:
      Just create a plugin using these lines of code or copy these lines in your theme’s “function.php” file.

      Thanks and happy coding πŸ™‚

    • #21017

      Hi Shawon

      How can I use the filter to replace, not just add to the Life stages and can I use a similar filter to replace the Contact Source in additional info.


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