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Training and Development in HRM: An HR’s Handbook

Training and Development in HRM: An HR’s Handbook

A few years back the common roles of HR were to find the best-suited employees for the company, introduce newcomers to the office policy, facilities, and handle administrative tasks. But those days are gone away. Nowadays, HR is responsible to ensure successful employee training and development in HRM

Nowadays, apart from all these responsibilities, HR is also heavily focused on employee engagement, development, happiness, and success. The aim of a competent HR is not to fill the spot, in fact, HR helps employees in their success by arranging effective and efficient training programs for them.

According to a survey conducted by Office Team in 2015, 38% of HR professionals consider training and developing employees are their greatest staffing concern.

HR’s from successful companies follow some strategic roles to ensure employees growth and retention rate. We have analyzed all those roles and made a list out of them for you. So, if you are looking for ideas on what should be the roles of HR in a successful employee training and development process, keep reading this article to know everything about it.

Importance of HR’s Involvement For Training and Development in HRM

Training and development in HRM

For a successful company, you need every employee to be self-motivated, skilled, and passionate about his works. And to turn every average employee into a supernova, the HR team has a great role to play. HR professionals give employees the support, resources, and guidance necessary for advancement

While it’s important to set guidelines, goals, and expectations for employees, it’s just as important to provide room for flexibility, innovation, and creativity. 

When employees are allowed to be creative in their jobs, they’re able to produce more and potentially enhance sales or reduce costs. How is this done? Through appropriate training and incentives that boost creativity and encourage innovation

Employees, while needing to express creativity and innovation, still require guidelines. Too much creativity can result in chaos and lack of direction that ultimately brings production to a grinding halt.

This is why the involvement of HR in the employee training and development process is very crucial. They should play substantial roles to handle all these situations.

7 Key Roles for HR to Play in a Successful Employee Training and Development Process

Roles of HR in a successful t

Here we come at the main segment of this blog. Let’s take a look at how HR can assist in training and development, and how they can take employees to a whole new level.

1. Build Personal Connection with Employees Like Family Member

HR should regularly meet the employees and have chatting with them about work-life and beyond. When HR sits with employees and discusses the challenges they regularly face in their workplace, they feel more valued and motivated.

By regularly meeting employees, HR can get a clear idea about employees’ weaknesses and strengths. At the same time employee feel safe to share their problems with HR when HR regularly visit them and give them floor to talk about their complexity.

A good learning and development process facilitated by HR makes sure employees recognize their weaknesses and work on them until they reach perfection. This can only happen when employees get the personal attention they need.

2. Ensure Proper Orientation Program for New Employees

Nothing is more vulnerable than new employees. They feel so shy on their first day at office. New people, new environments, new challenges make them nervous sometimes. So, having a proper orientation program can rescue them from this situation and help to acquaint with new people.

A good orientation is the foundation of a successful career of employees with their organization. One of the most important roles of HR in the training and development of employees is to introduce them to their jobs and provide them with competent initial job training.

This training involves familiarizing employees with the company’s culture, goals, and expectations from the employees. Moreover, employees also feel motivated to participate in various hands-on learning activities and other employee training courses if they get to know each other through the orientation program.

3. Provide All Training Materials for Employee Development

Ensure training materials for employee development

This part is important when you onboard freshers without that much experience. To make them capable of working with diverse projects, HR needs to provide all the training materials for the shining of those employees.

Training materials can include online courses, books, pdf, video tutorials, premium software, and so on. Not having what you need to complete training can take the air right out of the development balloon.

Audit your training materials. Make sure they’re the most current and safely discard those that aren’t. You could also make sure any software, technology, or services used for training is up to date and in top condition. Keep track of everyone who is training and check in with them throughout the process to make sure they have everything they need.

4. Arrange Training Sessions for New Employees

Training sessions conducted by office seniors (could be managers) help more than anything else to learn things faster. Because office seniors are already working on the projects that new employees are going to work at. So they can share the real-time experience with them.

Also, we humans have a tendency to learn from who they adore and respect sheerly. As managers are already respectable figures for new employees, freshers can effortlessly acquire skills from these sessions.

HR professionals are often labeled as the bridge between managers and workers. It’s not often that managers interact with those on the frontline of their companies and vice versa. But for training and development to be successful, managers and employees need to work together. 

5. Inspire Existing Employees Apply for Open Positions within The Company

Job searching

Employee retention is a challenging job for every small to mid-level company. As it’s an open world now and the remote job is getting more and more acceptance, keeping employees motivated to work in your company is really a tough job.

When an employee expresses interest in other companies, it’s best to work with them immediately. Admit it that who wants to leave your company is not happy about the responsibility they are playing here and in return how much they are getting in the pocket. So, be intentional about helping employees apply for open jobs within the company. 

This could also be done by giving them promotions or changing their designation. But it’s not best practice. Because maybe they are not yet capable of getting promotions. But if they apply for the open position for your company, you’ll get another chance to evaluate them to identify whether they are capable or not for the position.

6. Motivate Employees with Compensations and Benefits

Fair compensation is key in motivating new employees. Making the right offer of pay is a key part of attracting the best talent. This must be balanced with the budget and profit margins of the company. HR should monitor pay increases, and set standards of merit. 

Compensation could be two kinds- primary compensation and secondary compensation. Primary compensation involves directly paid money for work, which often is a monthly salary and sometimes performance-based pay.

Secondary benefits are all non-monetary rewards. This can include extra holidays, flexible working times, daycare, pensions, a company car, a laptop, and much more.

An extensive study into happiness and productivity has found that workers are 13% more productive when happy.

So, keeping your employees happy could be a valid way to increase their productivity and eventually generate more revenue through them.

7. Encourage New Employees to Stick with The Development Plan

development tools

It’s often noticed that after being selected in a company, most of the employees lose their mentality to improve themselves further. It happens because employee doesn’t prioritize developing themselves after getting the job as much as they prioritized before getting the job.

Encouraging employees to overcome this fatigue is another important role of HR in the employee development and training process. Each employee has their individual career goals, thoughts on where they feel they can make the best impact, strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

Creating a detailed employee development plan can honor the individuality in your workforce. Using employee-specific development plans is an excellent strategy to ensure each person is being supported based on their individual needs.  

Choose an Automated Tool for Better Training and Development in HRM

The 7 points that we have discussed here can be performed manually by the HR team. However, it consumes a huge time to plan according to these tips and execute it. To make your job even easier, you can use an automated tool to manage your employee training process in a professional way.

If you have ever come across the WP ERP HRM, then you already know about this tool. And if you are not, then let us tell you what this tool can exactly do for you.

WP ERP HRM is an easy use employee management plugin. You can easily provide courses to your employee, track their progress, and evaluate them directly from your WordPress dashboard. In addition, it enables you to store employee information, handle their attendance, payroll, and leave requests.

So, if you are managing a team and worried about new employee training and development management, you can just use this plugin and manage everything from a single dashboard. No matter you manage an in-house team or a remote team. It works fine for both situations.

Manage Training and Development in HRM with Ease

Training and development is a crucial phase for new employees. This phase can decide how an employee is going to adapt his workplace and work etiquette. If the HR team can plan a better training and development process for new employees and influence them to act according to the plan, both employee and company will shine together. Otherwise, both of them will struggle to move forward.

No doubt that the complexity of the HRM environment has changed considerably in recent years, and with this change comes new challenges for HR professionals. To overcome these challenges, HR professionals need to stay on top of the latest trends in their profession by not only engaging with professional organizations but also staying connected through social media.

You can follow this list of tips to manage your employee training and development process successfully but to do it even better, you can just rely on an automated HR and project management tool like WP ERP HRM and WP Project Manager. This tool will take away your workload of employee management & streamline all your tedious work related to the employee development and training process.

We are at the very end of this article. So, if you like this blog and think it will help you to manage your employee training and development, you can share it with your surroundings and implement it in your workplace.

You are also requested to let us know the comment box below if you think of any other important tips we should include here to make this guide even more authentic. Thank you!

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