36% of the world’s websites are built on WordPress.
Therefore you can understand how popular and renowned platform WordPress is. However, along with its popularity, there came the circulation of some common WordPress myths as well.
WordPress has an excellent reputation in the world as the most easy-to-use web development platform. But, there are some people that are new to WordPress, and without having a proper background check they tend to have some misconceptions and make assumptions about it based on those myths. Some complaint about the speed while some are in doubt about the security of their website. The myth surrounding it just doesn’t seem to end.
However, today we are going to explain some of those misconceptions clearing out the doubts about WordPress. So let’s address some of those common myths that have been going around for a long time.
Common WordPress Myths That’s Not True

Myths are stories that most of the time have no logical or natural explanations.
Now don’t confuse myths with legends. Legends are based on some facts on an event or on people that become larger than life. While myths aren’t based on facts but on symbolic storytelling or rumors.
While legends can have a positive impact on society, myths can cause some real conceptional misconduct and confusion. The same goes for WordPress. Because WordPress myths can confuse users and perpetuate negative ideas leading them to an adverse opinion on it.
To avoid these kinds of confusion we are going to decode the most common myths that you know but are not true.
Myth 1: WordPress Is Only For Blogging

It is true that back in 2004 when WordPress started its journey it was only for blogging but not anymore. And even today it is one of the common WordPress myths many people believe. However, they can’t be more further away from the truth.
WordPress has developed into a powerful website builder over the past 16 years. Among the vast majority of websites that are powered by WordPress, many of them are just not for blogging.
You can also say it is a powerful, advanced & fully functioning CMS(Content Management System) tool. This means you can create any type of website with it. As the core platform is very much flexible, the vast range of plugins ensures you can add any type of functionality to your websites.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you can not create blogs with WordPress. However, today with WordPress, you can create business sites, e-commerce stores, portfolio sites, forums, educational institutes, and all other websites more efficiently than ever.
Give a read to this: Build An Electronic Marketplace With WordPress
Myth 2: The Sites Are All The Same

Those who are somewhat familiar with WordPress have a false idea about all the WordPress sites looking like the same. That’s because many people don’t go far rather than using the same few default themes provided by WordPress.
But, what they don’t know is that there are more than thousands of free themes available in the WordPress repository. Also, there are premium themes to add more flare to your website. These themes come with customizable options also.
Nevertheless, recently a revolutionary page builder “Elementor” has entered the scene and changed the whole scenario of website designing. It has opened up a new world to the website designers.
You can design any professional-looking website without any professional help. You don’t need any coding or anything for it either. With the help of some superlative addons like Happy Addons, Essential Addons, Premium Addons, etc to help design the website, you can take your WordPress website to the next level using this popular WordPress web page builder.
Myth 3: WordPress Provides Low Security

One of the common WordPress myths is WordPress is vulnerable to hacking. If you notice the news involving WordPress, it is hard to believe otherwise. Also, there have been a few highly-publicized attacks that have targeted WordPress sites.
However, because WordPress powers most of the websites around the world, it is no surprise that most of these attacks are happening to WordPress sites. But, it has all the measures to protect your site.
The large talented team working behind the core platform is committed to making your WordPress site as secure as possible. If you update your site regularly it will address the latest threats. Also, there is a large number of security plugins that add additional protection to your site.
Related Article: WordPress Security – 11+ Steps to Lockdown WordPress in Case of an Emergency [2023]
Myth 4: You Can Build Only Small Sites Using WordPress

This WordPress myth is somewhat related to the first myth. We told you that WordPress was first started as a blogging site. From there people assumed that with WordPress you can build small sites only for blogging.
That means they think WordPress is not scalable. That is not true. It may seem simple at first sight. Because WordPress was designed so that it was easy to understand. However, today it is actually incredibly scalable, and able to provide a solid foundation for even the largest sites.
Some of the factors contributing to WordPress’ flexibility & scalability are:
- The platform is stable and designed to perform smoothly. As such, it isn’t going to experience problems when you get a lot of visitors
- WordPress is highly customizable, which means it can be shaped to meet the demands of complex sites.
- There are many plugins available to help you address the demands of a high-traffic site. For instance, you can add caching functionality to keep the speed of the site high, and even improve the search feature.
So, when you look at large scale sites like weDevs, WP ERP, Happy Addons you can get a true idea of the WordPress scalability.
Myth 5: It Doesn’t Provide Enough Support

One of the common concerns expressed by the beginner level users that as WordPress is free, there is no one around to help them. But that is far from being true.
WordPress has one of the largest support forum in the world. Wordpress.org the official website has a very active support group where you can state your problems or queries and get answers quickly from the other WordPress users.
Also, most other WordPress companies provide different solutions through their blogs, live chat, documentation, and plugins.
Myth 6: WordPress SEO Plugins Will Ensure Google Ranking

One thing you want when you are launching a blogging website or an eCommerce store is to get attention from your users. If you have a blog site you want readers to find your content easily.
That is why Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is given so much importance. It is the main factor that helps your site’s content to rank on Google’s first-page result. The better the SEO of your site the better is the chance of being found on the first page of google search engine result. However, some people have a terrible misconception regarding the SEO plugins of WordPress.
They think that downloading SEO plugins will be enough to get them a place in the Google search engine ranking. How we wish that was true! But this is one of the common WordPress myths.
Ranking highly on Google requires a lot of patience, as well as attention to critical factors that affect SEO. Only specialists can keep track of all these factors. Also, in many cases, these plugins will affect the speed of your website and eventually slow it down. And Google likes websites that load faster!
Myth 7: WordPress Is Free So It Must Be Of Low Quality

Last but not least, WordPress has always been free from the start. However, like all the free things some people believe that the features are too good to be true.
Imagine you are creating and maintaining your own website without any professional help and also not spending a huge sum of money. We can understand it might be hard to believe. However, it is true.
It is not developed by a small team. Thousands of developers are contributing to the improvement of WordPress. Also, millions of websites are using WordPress around the globe and the number is increasing each passing day. The code behind WordPress is rock solid, developer-friendly, open, and free.
It is also a cool publishing system with a very easy to use interface. This is why WordPress is immensely popular and way ahead of any other CMS software in the world.
Do Not Believe In Hearsay
It is a common trait of people to believe what they hear without digging deep. However, it is always a good practice to see and test out before trusting the source.
We have stated some of the common WordPress myths. But we are not asking you to believe us just by reading the article. WordPress is free, so is the support. Why not go out there and have a try for yourself. It will certainly do no harm rather you will find a new and improved way to launch your dream website for your business.
While you are at it, WordPress has a cool and comprehensive Enterprise Resource Solution system to maintain each essential department of your company. Have a
and let us know what you think of it in the comments below