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Play WP ERP Quiz and Earn BIG Discount!

Play WP ERP Quiz and Earn BIG Discount!

ERP has become a buzzword in the business world. Without it, smooth and efficient functioning of different business operations seems almost impossible. Previously only large companies with a sizable employee base could think of adopting ERP system. But times have changed- the small and medium sized companies too can streamline their process with ERP.

WP ERP can be called as a revolutionary ERP. Are you wondering why? This is the first and only ERP system that made business process management possible in WordPress! Hold on, we have got more to surprise you. The plugin is completely free and it comes with four extensive module for your business.

These four modules are HR, Accounting, CRM and Project Management.

Check out the demo of WP ERP from this link. You can add as many extensions you want in this demo and see how that works for your business! And if you get stuck somewhere or feel confused, you can go through our useful docs or contact our support team ( [email protected] ) anytime from anywhere.

Quiz & Win

Today we bring you an exciting opportunity to win BIG discounts on our products.

For that, you need to play this quiz and answer the easy questions given here.

The questions are mostly about the use cases of different extensions. So if you are using WP ERP for some time now, this can be a great way to figure out how much grip you have over it! If you have not started using it, don’t feel downhearted. Quickly skim through our website or use the demo for a while and make luck work in favor of you!

So, what are you waiting for? Get prepared to play this quiz. We will give at least 50% discount coupon on a WP ERP product to the winners.

Few Must-do’s!

Don’t forget to fill up your name and email ID before you press the ‘submit’ button.

And if you want to be eligible for the big prize, you must comment on the blog below! 

Best of luck! πŸ˜€

  • WP ERP Quiz Contest


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41 thoughts on “Play WP ERP Quiz and Earn BIG Discount!”

    • Hi Calvin,

      We have sent an email to the all the quiz participants with a discount coupon. If you did not receive that yet, let me know.

    • Indeed, our target was to build a superb ERP system that does not go hard on the wallet.

      We are giving away a discount coupon for the quiz participants as well. Check your inbox for details! πŸ™‚

    • Hi Matt,

      I have emailed you the coupon code. Use the code in your shopping cart and get started. Don’t forget to let us know how you find WP ERP. πŸ™‚

  1. I’ve tried pretty much every CRM there is, from the most expensive to the self-hosted opensource systems.

    Part of my business is setting customers up with systems they can use to run their businesses, plus I’ve become a bit obsessed with finding the ‘perfect CRM’ for my own use. So I’m wrapped to have found you guys.

    I usually start setting up a system, and about half way through my expectations are totally destroyed by first one aspect, then another, and another. I usually persevere, taking the setup as far as possible, tweaking & hammering away at it, partly in the hope I’ll get somewhere with it, & partly because there’s always something to learn from every system.

    Your system is just incredible, I’m only just really into it, but already I’m loving it & can see it’s going to work for me & so many of my customers. Brilliant job guys, keep it up

    • Hi Brad, it feels really amazing to know your feelings about WP ERP. Whenever any user comes to us and say how we have the perfect solution for him- this is the best moment for us. We would love to hear more from you about how you are using it or how can we improve it further. Be in touch, thanks!

  2. WP ERP is a great plugin! The price is a bit steep for me… hoping for the discounts. There are bugs in the plugin, but it’s been easy working with their support team to resolve them.

    • Hi there,

      I hope we have been able to make things easier for you with the coupons. Let us know how we can help you further!

  3. Enjoying the plugins, along with Project Manager Pro– it’s a relief to get away from Asana. A discount would tempt me to add further functionality…

  4. Looks like a very useful system. if I can get win I will buy some modules that I already have in mind, it is quite good after the trial.


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