Demo Feedback Survey How was WP ERP Trial? So you have tried and tested WP ERP and its premium features. Please help us understand your experience by answering this short survey! Email Address * How well does the product serve your expectations? * Much less than expected 1 2 3 4 5 Greatly exceeds expectations Did it have everything you were looking for? Yes Somewhat No What was missing? How satisfied are you on the plugin and its apps based on the following? 12345 Ease-of-use Speed UI/Interface Features Usefulness 1-very satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-neutral, 4-dissatisfied, 5-very dissatisfied Would you have liked for the trial to last longer? Yes, I think it was too short a time to try out everything No, it was sufficient, I've understood the product Did the trial help you to decide on any WP ERP Plans? Yes No Still undecided Thanks for taking part!