Developer Documentation

Required Modules

We do not require you to install or activate extra modules for WP ERP. The default modules of Apache and PHP would work fine. If you are using Nginx or any other PHP file serving solution, you can cross check with your phpinfo();

Here is a list of the loaded modules in our development environment-

  1. date
  2. ereg
  3. libxml
  4. openssl
  5. pcre
  6. sqlite3
  7. zlib
  8. bcmath
  9. bz2
  10. calendar
  11. ctype
  12. curl
  13. dba
  14. dom
  15. hash
  16. fileinfo
  17. filter
  18. ftp
  19. gd
  20. gettext
  21. SPL
  22. iconv
  23. session
  24. json
  25. ldap
  26. mbstring
  27. mcrypt
  28. standard
  29. mysqlnd
  30. mysqli
  31. mysql
  32. PDO
  33. pdo_mysql
  34. pdo_pgsql
  35. pdo_sqlite
  36. Phar
  37. posix
  38. Reflection
  39. imap
  40. shmop
  41. SimpleXML
  42. soap
  43. sockets
  44. exif
  45. sybase_ct
  46. sysvsem
  47. sysvshm
  48. tokenizer
  49. wddx
  50. xml
  51. xmlreader
  52. xmlrpc
  53. xmlwriter
  54. xsl
  55. zip
  56. apache2handler
  57. mhash

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