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Few Developer Questions – Custom Fields

Home Forums HRM Few Developer Questions – Custom Fields

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    • #43021
      abdul billoo

      I would like to know the following.

      1. Get current employee meta fields especially the fields created using the paid custom fields.
      2. How to sort contacts with custom fields –

      erp_get_peoples(['type' => 'contact', 'number' => '-1', 'custom_field' => 'value' ])

      doesnt work.

    • #43053

      Hello @Abdul

      You can pass the meta_key through [meta_query]. I’d recommend you to follow the codes on the file ..../wp-erp/includes/functions-people.php line number: 84.

      Following codes:

      if ( $meta_query ) {
                  $sql['join'][] = "LEFT JOIN $pepmeta_tb as people_meta on people.id = people_meta.<code>erp_people_id</code>";
                  $meta_key   = isset( $meta_query['meta_key'] ) ? $meta_query['meta_key'] : '';
                  $meta_value = isset( $meta_query['meta_value'] ) ? $meta_query['meta_value'] : '';
                  $compare    = isset( $meta_query['compare'] ) ? $meta_query['compare'] : '=';
                  $sql['where'][] = "AND people_meta.meta_key='$meta_key' and people_meta.meta_value='$meta_value'";


    • #43892
      abdul billoo

      Your inital code says we can do it via arguments in erp\includes\functions-people.php

      $defaults = [
              'type'       => 'all',
              'number'     => 20,
              'offset'     => 0,
              'orderby'    => 'id',
              'order'      => 'DESC',
              'trashed'    => false,
              'meta_query' => [],
              'count'      => false,
              'life_stage' => '',
              'include'    => [],
              'exclude'    => [],
              's'          => '',
              'no_object'  => false

      Can u give an example with what i wish to achieve using $defaults or any example that is closer and works with multiple meta values?

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by abdul billoo.
    • #44164
      abdul billoo

      Any updates for this? I wouldn’t want to use the SQL but instead use the query instead

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