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Introducing FlyWP: your trusted server manager for WordPress

Introducing FlyWP: your trusted server manager for WordPress

Running both a website and its server at the same time can be challenging. Because you have to handle too many tasks, like monitoring site health, updating plugins, configuring the server, tightening security, and so on.

But worry not! weDevs, the proud developer of many wonderful plugins and business solutions, has come up with another revolutionary solution, FlyWP, to save from the mess. 

FlyWP is more than just an average server manager for WordPress. It encompasses all the necessary features both for developer and non-technical users so you can focus and grow your business online. 

This article will provide you with a quick overview of FlyWP and things you can do with it. Let’s get started!

Why You Should Use a Server Management Solution to Manage WordPress Sites

server manager for wordpress

A server is a fundamental component of any web hosting. It stores and gets your site content to the users based on their search requests. Therefore, it’s important to monitor whether the server is running well or not alongside the content management of your website. 

Having a server management system next to your hand can make the server management system so easy. How? Take a look at some points below.

a. Centralized Control

Server management solutions usually provide a centralized dashboard or content panel from where you can check the various activities of your server and website. You don’t need to open multiple tabs, which can save you a handful of time.

b. Automated Tasks

You can automate routine tasks, like backup, update, security audit, etc., by configuring the server management solution. Such automation not only saves you time but also reduces potential human errors.

c. Performance Optimizations

A server is a combination of various tools, like CPU, RAM, disk space, CDN integration, spam protection, and more. By optimizing all these resources, you can ensure the optimal performance of your website, even during the heavy traffic seasons. Having a server management system can make this super-easy for you.

d. Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Most server management systems come with many built-in diagnostic tools and logs that can help you identify threats and issues promptly. Plus, if you subscribe to a server like FlyWP, you’ll get a 24/7 expert support team online. All these together can help you minimize server downtime, ensuring a stable website.

e. Improved Productivity 

As you don’t have to put much of your time and labor into resource optimization and security checking due to the automation features, you can invest this time in product development and marketing to grow your business. 

f. Scalability

Over time, you’ll dream of growing your website. As your website grows, you’ll need to scale everything from resources. If you have a server management solution at hand, you can do this seamlessly without impacting the live content and regular traffic on your site. 

A Short Introduction to FlyWP

A Short Introduction to FlyWP

FlyWP is a cloud-based server management solution designed specifically for WordPress websites. It seamlessly works with leading cloud platforms, like Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (EC2), Digital Ocean, Vultr, and AkamaiAkamia.

Additionally, FlyWP is compatible with any custom server setup. Once you explore this platform, you will come to realize this is a feature-rich solution. From caching to security, you’ll hardly find anything not available on this platform.

Its developers are constantly trying to make FlyWP further feature-rich to make it the most wanted WordPress site server management system.

Let’s have a quick look at what FlyWP can do for you as a Docker-powered, lightning-fast, and optimized WordPress site management platform on the cloud.

Unveiling FlyWP: An Overview of FlyWP’s Key Features

With FlyWP, enjoy a full-fledged site management experience. Explore the notable features below!

Compatibility with Popular Servers

Compatibility with Popular Servers

FlyWP excels in flexibility by seamlessly integrating with top-tier servers like DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, AWS EC2, Vultr, and custom servers. This empowers you to choose the ideal server, ensuring unmatched control over your WordPress environment.

Ideal for the WordPress Eco-System

FlyWP simplifies WordPress management, ensuring your site runs effortlessly. Automatic updates keep plugins and themes current for a secure, efficient site. You can utilize the WP Config Editor for full control over settings, and effortlessly handle complex tasks using WordPress CLI.

  • Effortless Updates: Manage WordPress, plugin, and theme updates easily with FlyWP. Take control of security and stay consistently up-to-date and hassle-free.
  • Seamless Magic Login: Access your WordPress backend instantly with FlyWP—log in directly for quick and convenient access.
  • Empowering Config Editor: Take control of your WordPress experience with FlyWP’s Config Editor. From debug mode to script debugging, fine-tune your site with ease.
  • Multisite Support: FlyWP provides flexibility and control for seamless management of multiple sites or a network of blogs.
  • Efficient CLI Support: Leverage FlyWP’s WordPress CLI for streamlined automation, enhancing your development process.

Unlimited Staging Sites

Unlimited Staging Sites of FlyWP

Effortlessly create and manage staging sites with FlyWP. This feature lets you experiment freely by crafting test sites. It allows risk-free exploration by letting you tinker without affecting the live content. It’s ideal for onboarding new team members. They can gather hands-on experience without disrupting your production site.

One Central Place for Seamless Management

FlyWP simplifies site management with a single, user-friendly dashboard. No more juggling interfaces and logins—effortlessly manage all your sites in one place. Now you can streamline your workflow, saving valuable time.

Role-based Team Management

FlyWP: Role-based Team Management

Efficiently manage large teams with FlyWP’s team management feature. Streamlined controls under one tab give you the freedom to oversee team members with different roles—Super Admins, Server Admins, and Site Admins—each handling distinct responsibilities.

  • Super Admin: Exercises total control and central management.
  • Server Admin: Manages existing servers and sites, unable to create new servers.
  • Site Admin: Oversees and manages the site exclusively, without server-level changes.

Also read: Need to Manage a Small Team? WP ERP Is the Only Tool You Need

Developer-Friendly Tools

FlyWP equips developers with powerful tools for an efficient workflow. Features like Push to Deploy, and Easy PHP Version Switching simplify development, making it easy to deploy changes and manage your PHP environment.

Additionally, enjoy direct access to your MySQL database and logs for comprehensive control.

Elevated Performance with Advanced Caching

Enhance your site’s performance with FlyWP’s advanced caching. Benefit from full-page caching, Redis caching, and seamless integration with popular plugins for lightning-fast loading and a smooth user experience.

  • Full Page Caching: Speeds up site loading by removing PHP and database queries.
  • Redis Caching: Improves WordPress performance with efficient object caching, reducing database requests.
  • Plugin Compatibility: Integrates seamlessly with other caching plugins for a smoother experience.

Reliable Backup Options

Secure your data with FlyWP’s dependable backup solutions. Schedule automated backups, create manual backups, and easily restore them as needed. With FlyWP, your data is safeguarded and easily recoverable.

FlyWP server manager for wordpress - Reliable Backup Options

FlyWP hosts your backups on reputable cloud providers such as AWS S3, Digital Ocean, Cloudflare R2, and Google Cloud. This additional layer of protection ensures the secure storage of your data, ready for easy retrieval when needed.

Robust Security and Real-Time Monitoring

Benefit from automatic features like the firewall, site isolation using Docker, complimentary SSL certificates, Cloudflare integration, and a security-focused, optimized Nginx server, offering the peace of mind necessary to keep your sites secure. Here is the list of security measures FlyWP takes to keep your sites secure.

  • Automated 7G Firewall
  • Docker-Isolated Sites
  • Complimentary SSL Certificates
  • Cloudflare Integration
  • Nginx Security Optimization
  • Automatic Updates for Continuous Protection

Pricing Plans: Choose the Perfect FlyWP Package for Your Needs

Pricing Plans: Choose the Perfect FlyWP Package for Your Needs

Discover FlyWP’s customized plans designed to meet a variety of needs, catering to everyone from hobbyists to high-performing teams. Take advantage of its 24/7 email customer support. Start your journey with a complimentary 14-day trial—no credit card required.

You can also check the Lifetime Deals in addition to the standard pricing. These exclusive LTD plans are available for a limited time and offer various facilities and options, as discussed below!

Plan TypePriceFeatures
Monthly Plans
Hobby Plan$9/month1 server, unlimited sites.
Growth Plan$19/month10 servers, unlimited sites, backup.
Business Plan$39/monthUnlimited servers, sites, backup, and team feature.
Yearly Plans
Hobby Plan$90/year1 server, unlimited sites.
Growth Plan$190/year10 servers, unlimited sites, backup.
Business Plan$390/yearUnlimited servers, sites, backup, and team feature.
Promotional LTD Plans
Hobby Plan$349 (Lifetime)5 servers with unlimited sites.
Growth Plan$649 (Lifetime)15 servers with unlimited sites and backup.
Business Plan$949 (Lifetime)15 servers with unlimited sites, site backup, and team feature.

Subscribe to FlyWP to Manage Your WordPress Sites

FAQs About FlyWP Server Manager for WordPress

Let’s address frequently asked queries to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the FlyWP platform and its offerings.

Take Your WordPress Experience to the Next Level with FlyWP

Ready to upgrade your WordPress server management with FlyWP? It’s the all-in-one solution for maximizing your sites, simplifying management, and enhancing security with a developer-friendly approach.

Now, it’s your turn to step up.

Welcome FlyWP as your go-to server solution. Experience the blend of flexibility, optimization, and developer-friendliness that sets FlyWP apart.

Your journey to elevated server management starts here. ⬇️

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