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Top Women Influencers in ERP That You Did Not Know About

Top Women Influencers in ERP That You Did Not Know About

It is not possible for everyone to be Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski. But being an influencer in digital marketing is common these days. There are stereotypes that women cannot rule the tech world. And it is being deconstructed now. Because built-in assumptions in most cases make things complicated.

Moreover, skills have nothing to do with gender. To prove that again we are here with a list of women influencers in ERP solutions. The influencers can be female tech bloggers, researchers or in any way working on ERP. This should not be a different category as “Women ERP Influencers“. But to break stereotypes we need collective data that can encourage others to join the field.

What is ERP and its importance

Full form of ERP is Enterprise Resource Planning. When you apply an ERP solution to your business, the system collects and analyzes every data of your regular movements. The analysis further helps in setting up the business strategy. ERP software reduces system loss to an amazing extent. This is why researches on ERP is a common phenomenon these days.

ERP is applied in enterprises too but especially in case of startups strategists suggest going for this system. If you are curious, then you can go through the importance of ERP for small & medium-sized businesses and learn about the importance of ERP in details.

Here we are with a list of ladies that you did not know were ERP influencers.

Women Working in ERP Industry

Cindy Jutras

Cindy Jutras is usually the first name that pops into mind when we talk about female ERP influencers. She is the founder of Mint Jutras, a research-based consulting firm. She is working in the manufacturing department for 40 years now. Cindy was a student of Boston University and Merrimack College and has a degree in Applied Science and mathematics. She has been working on the effects of applying enterprise solutions in business for the last 10 years.

She is a traveler and a well-known speaker in conferences held on manufacturing. Before founding Mintra, she was in Aberdeen Group as a group director. Cindy started her research on ERP in Aberdeen. She is a writer and wrote a book on “ERP Optimization”. She has a reputation as female tech blogger as she published a number of articles and reports based on her research on ERP.

Cindy Jutras

Anya Ciecierski

I always knew I wanted to be a writer, I just never expected that software would be the topic.

This is Anya in her own words. Anya has been working in marketing since 1999. Now she is the director of Marketing at CAL Business solution. All she wants to do is to simplify the marketing mechanisms. She considers content marketing as the most effective way to get the highest benefit with minimum investment.

Anya is the co-founder of ERP software blog and CRM software blog. These are the platforms where technical writers from all over the world share their views.


Lisa Crawford

She is another influential ERP researcher. She has a successful career as a business analyst.

Lisa is very good at building relationship among customer and vendors. No doubt it has been thirty years already since she is working with ERP implementations. She was an ERP manager in Harvard Bioscience. She also worked for Cole-Ford consultancy firm. But now she runs Crawford firm as the manager. Her researches on ERP implementations is still going on besides everything.


Sara Angeles

Different people influence the same things in different ways. Sara Angeles has her own way of influencing the ERP world. Sara Angeles is a tech reporter in the BusinessNewsDaily.com. She has taken writing about business as a passion. Everything that is connected with business-like merchandising products, innovating ideas; get her attention.

She left a career in copywriting to be a business reporter. She has worked in several fields but writing about business software happened to be the most alluring topic to her. So she became a female tech blogger. She focuses on small business and analyzes the use and effects of CRM. Her articles in many cases aid in boosting the production of business. She and her reports on CRM software caught the attention of critics. She was featured in Fox business, Yahoo news etc.

One-of-Female-tech-bloggers-Sara Angeles

Anita Campbell

She is listed as one of the 25th most influential women who are concerned with entrepreneurship. Even Hubspot has recognized her as one of the top 100 powerful women on Twitter. What does she do?

She is the CEO of the Smallbiztends.com. This is a heaven to the people with small business. They write blogs about their business, the problems they face and share tips and tricks. This platform is really a great tech blogging platform. Anita in most cases focuses on how it is important to have CRM software for your small business. She believes this to be the master key to success for microcredit business.


Lauren Horwitz

Lauren formerly was an executive editor at TechTarget, a business magazine. Entrepreneurs usually turn to this magazine for solutions when they face any sort of difficulties in their startup. She took the standard of female tech blogger to a new level while working there. After her contribution in a magazine like TechTarget, she is the managing editor at the Cisco system now. She manages the CRM section. She has in-depth knowledge of the system and capable of explaining its importance in content management and sales.

Her writing has a strong impact on people and she was awarded by ASBPE (American Society of Business Publications Editors).


Barbara Westly

Barbara’s is an ERP consultant. She was in accounting and loved designing. It was soon when she realized she wanted to have a career in technical background. She responded to her heart and went on to have an MBA in Digital technology. Now she is at Birtech working as a consultant. Her works involve the ERP, CRM, HR systems, their maintenance, implementations, training, programming etc.

Barbara Westly

Lisa Anderson

She is a specialist in ERP management. Her field of work also includes supply chain management, S&OP. Her purpose is the same as other influencers, to help vendors uplifting their business.

Currently, she is the president of LMA Consulting Group and APICS Inland Empire Chapter. She is listed as one of top 50 ERP influencers. For her works in the supply chain, she is recognized as a  top influencer there too.

Lisa Anderson

Kellie Pitt

Kellie Pitt works in BrainSell, a company providing business software to the business of all sizes. She can be labeled as an ERP enthusiast. Being pleased with her in-depth knowledge she was promoted as the Vice President of ERP practice manager.

Kellie Pitt

Valerie Silvani

Valerie is originally a Philippino. She is a traveler and been traveling to places like Thailand, Saudi Arabia. At last, she started her career in telecommunication company in California. Finally, she went to Michigan and focused on her career. Silvani has a creative heart with innovative ideas full in it. She has an enriched background in digital marketing as she is working in this field for more than a decade.

Currently, she is a Vice President of Gravity Software that concentrates on ERP the most. Valerie as an ERP solution specialist has helped a lot of business to grown on their feet.

Vallerie Shivani

Heidi Melin

She is a Twitter influencer. Heidi is CMO at Plex System. She works on the company’s strategies. Recently she has grown an interest in ERP solution and writes about the benefits of ERP software for business.


Wrapping up!

It is important to realize the importance of ERP, especially in small business and start-ups. Not just women, business analysts all over the world now emphasizing on its importance now. If you want to know more about others you can check the ERP influencers list from 50 ERP influencers you need to follow on Twitter or for something more trendy, you can look into Top Exemplary ERP Thought Leaders Worth to Be Followed in 2018.

And if you want to know about ERP, you can pay a visit here.

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