Purchase Return Report
From the v1.2.3 onwards, Accounting module, of WP ERP, you can generate reports based on the purchases that have been returned for the current financial cycle/year.
Let’s see how can you generate the report based on the purchase return within your company.
How To Prepare Purchase Return Report
- First of all, navigate to WP ERP> Accounting> Report> Purchase Return

- Now click on the View Report button to see the full details.

- Once you enter the report page, select the date range that you want to generate the Purchase Return details for.

- After that, you’ll get the voucher details, date, vendor information, products, quantity, vat, discount and total amount informantion at one place. Print it if you need a hard copy to carry with you.

That’s all! This is how you can generate the essential Purchase Return report for the financial year of your company.