Accounting Pro

Purchase VAT Report

Using the latest version 1.2.3, of WP ERP Pro, you can prepare the very essential Purchase Vat report with its Accounting Module that was applied to the current purchases of the customers. It will save your time & effort as it takes an ample amount of your time to prepare the accounting-related reports.

So, this documentation will show how you can generate a report based on the VAT on purchases charged or paid for the financial year.

How To Use Purchase VAT Report

In order to find the Purchase Vat report option, navigate to WP ERP> Accounting> Report> Purchase VAT, and then click on View Report.

Purchase VAT Reports

Once you open the report section, you’ll find four different reports to generate.

  • Agency based
  • Transaction Based
  • Vendor Based
  • Category based

Now click on each report and get your report done.

Purchase VAT Reports

Agency Based

Now click on the View Report of Agency Based tagline. You’ll get the related details of the purchase reports based on agencies.

Here select Agency Name, date range, and hit the filter button to get all the related details. You’ll get the report with entities Voucher No., Transaction Date, and Tax Amount.

Purchase VAT Reports

Transaction Based

Similar to Agency Based report, click on the View Report button on Transaction-Based to get the details of the transaction that you need. Click on Filter, after inputting the date range. It will generate the VAT on the purchase report based on the transaction. Here you can find the Voucher No., Transaction Date, and the Tax amount that is applied for the transaction.

Click on Print, if you wish to get a hard copy of the report.

Transaction Based Report

Vendor Based

To prepare VAT on purchase report based on vendor, click on the View Report button. And you’ll get the details related to the vendors. Here select the vendor that you want to prepare reports for. After that, select the date range and hit the filter button.

Do make sure you have selected the right time range, otherwise, it will not create the report as per your request.

Vendor based

Once you have done the filtering, you will be able to get Vendor Based report with Voucher No., Transaction Date, and Tax Amount.

Vendor based report

Category Based

Similar to the report generated above, you can prepare the Category Based report. Here you’ll get all the details related to your products and their category. It requires only a click to complete the whole process.

So select the Category and date range. After that, hit on the Filter button to continue with the report.

Category wise report

Once you do that, all the category-based Purchase VAT report details will appear here and you can access them for further use. Get the report with Voucher No., Transaction date, and the Tax amount.

If you want you can save a hard copy of the report simply by clicking on the Print button placed on the top right corner.

Category wise report

That’s all for the newly added Purchase VAT report generation feature of the new Accounting Module of WP ERP Pro.

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