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WP ERP: Journey of Bringing Revolutionary Changes in WordPress Industry to Becoming the No.1 ERP Solution

WP ERP: Journey of Bringing Revolutionary Changes in WordPress Industry to Becoming the No.1 ERP Solution

Any ERP solution that comes with the tag of being the complete business management tool for a company always comes with an enormous responsibility on its shoulder. The responsibility of living up to the expectations every time, the promises that are made to be full-filled to clients, and to bring all its realistic business management ideas into reality, an ERP solution like that always need to stay on its toes. There is no scope for a responsible business management tool like that to relax. And WP ERP, being the no.1 complete ERP solution for WordPress hasn’t relaxed a bit either.

Since the time of its launch, the maker of WP ERP always looked to contribute in the best interest of the WordPress community. Over the years the community has started to grow bigger at a pace that we never imagined. Now most members within the community are highly active and try to contribute any way possible. And now after almost 17 years of WordPress, people in the community expect no less than perfection in the way WordPress based companies around the world would contribute to it.

WordPress will celebrate its 20th Anniversary on 27th May, 2023.

Many reliable WordPress stats & facts now suggest that people are getting used to the revolutions that it is bringing in the lives of each user. And today after almost seventeen years of WordPress’s & five years of WP ERP’s launch, the changes it brought to each other’s way of seeing and doing things is uncanny. So how exactly WP ERP made its way into the heart of WordPress community to become the most popular ERP solution for WordPress? Well, today’s post is the story about that only.

Related Article: Why WP ERP Is The All-In-One ERP Solution For WordPress?

How WP ERP Given Back To Revolutionize WordPress Industry & Community

Even though WP ERP has only been in the picture for the last five years, yet its contribution to revolutionizing the WordPress industry can not be unnoticed. So the specific fields at which WP ERP brought some major revolutions to the WordPress users and its community are:

Human Resource Management


Even before WP ERP was launched, businesses based in WordPress were always utilizing the human resource management facility that was available at that time. Some of the HR solutions also shown good promises into managing employees but many medium-sized businesses were struggling to manage their HR departments efficiently.

But after the introduction of WP ERP’s HR Manager, soon users in the WordPress arena got to experience the very best of their human resource management. Starting from individual employees/department to salary, leave and holidays, WP ERP has brought innovation in the control of all those fields very profoundly.

Not many ERP solutions used to provide the liberty to manage data, documents, and records of unlimited employees, but WP ERP brought this change for WordPress users for maintaining effective communication within the company. There were lacking and complexity in the way the attendance report was being presented but with the HR module of WP ERP, it enabled HR managers to generate attendance reports of each and every employee with a single click.

Following the footsteps of the on-going HRM Trends, in the list of latest innovations, WP ERP has introduced an automatic salary payment option of employees with the PayRoll plugin. That made it easier on everyone’s part to overview a digitalized copy of the paycheck that has been deposited to the bank by the company.

Related Article: How To Efficiently Manage Your Human Resources with WP ERP

Customer Relationship Management

crm implementation process and which one should you pick up

Gone are the days when you had to keep track of all of your customers, generate leads, or maintain company details manually. Once everything started to go online, the customer management process has also got revolutionized following the latest trends of CRM. For WordPress users, there was a time when handling clients’ records, leads, company deals etc was always difficult to maintain. But with WP ERP making its entry into the WordPress fraternity, almost every aspect of customer relationship management got covered.

WP ERP introduced itself with a cutting-edge management system with CRM’s future challenges and reality in mind that simply took the experience of one’s customer relationship management to the next level. It offered features and functionalities that no one provided before it and that too at the most affordable cost possible. Its customizing capabilities in terms of generating and maintaining detailed quality leads have slowly started to grab the attention of the users.

CRM software for SME's

With its smart contact management system, users got the opportunity to have command over the effective lead and customer management. The built-in communication system between business to clients has never been so smooth. Its CRM extensions can hack your customer growth and boost your business to a great deal.

Assigning a task to teammates and scheduling the meetings between B2C for effective communication has seen new ways. Not just active contact management, the report generation system for better analysis of customer activity & growth is given a whole meaning by it for its users. Such innovations in a CRM solution with WP ERP in small businesses ensured the best outputs making the WordPress users and the community realize the real & better way of handling clients.

Related Article: Why WP ERP Is Known To Have The Best CRM Plugin Compared To Others

Accounts Management

online accounting software

For years financial data management of WordPress users or businesses hasn’t seen much of a light. People were struck with manual bookkeeping, financial report, income statements, invoices, balance sheets, etc due to the lack of a real accounts management solution in WordPress. Even after managing an online business for years, most people were still wondering about the real idea of its debit & credit until WP ERP introduced its interactive & powerful accounts management module for WordPress users.

With business growing bigger, the sales transaction in it increases over time. This automatically makes it difficult to keep track of your sales amount, outstanding, overdue, etc. But now the modern-day accounting is made much easier with the sales transaction tab of this plugin that reflects the complete transactional data of your sales & purchases even with diagrams.

Before in most Accounts management solution for WordPress, there was no way to create invoices and receive payments. Not just that, adding many bank accounts to transfer cash within those accounts was never a possibility either. Also, being able to calculate the tax of each sale seemed like a dream that would never come true. But now with the revolution of WP ERP, its Accounting tool cover all of that and more.

Accounting module WP ERP

Thinking about an Account management plugin that would track your expense transactions, product inventory, or help in reimbursement, adding payroll etc. seemed like some unrealistic features to ever get fulfilled.

But all thanks to WP ERP’s advanced accounting module, all these features are a reality for all its valued users now. Some of these exclusive features might only be available with the extensive add-ons of this accounting plugin. But the stability that it brings with it in your company’s overall finance management, it is simply a very less price to pay.

Contributing to the WordPress industry might be easy but adding value to its users and their businesses in the real sense is something that not every solution or company can achieve. WP ERP even after being in the picture for just five years has already touched countless hearts, contributed & supported businesses all around the globe. All this just to bring revolution in the best interest of providing a sophisticated HRM, CRM and Accounting system unlike no other complete business management solutions for WordPress.

Related Article: How WP ERP’s Accounting Module Can Improve Accounts Management Of Your Business

WP ERP’s Journey Of Becoming The No.1 ERP Solution

ERP solution vs HR, CRM, Accounting

The amazing journey of WP ERP began eight years ago. Just recently it has celebrated its 8th birthday anniversary with everyone on 25th April 2023 announcing some really big discounts and offers on all its premium plans and extensions. But this journey of long five years wasn’t always an upward straight line. It has seen and overcame challenges just like most other companies in the ERP solution business. So how did WP ERP actually made its way up to the top of its game? The journey is highlighted in the next few headings.

How It All Began

remote team management

In the year 2016, its parent company, weDevs wanted to automate its own business process along with businesses around the world. So they came up with the idea of developing a revolutionary web-based ERP solution for WordPress. The principal mission of launching such a solution at that time was to provide the best experience in terms of handling & automating tasks related to HR, CRM, Accounting, Project Management.

So since small to medium-sized businesses were struggling to conduct and streamline the business management process in a single platform hence, therefore, it decided to create one single solution that can take care of all the basic aspects and departments of a business. This was indeed a revolutionary step taken in the development of enterprise management starting a new era in the ecosystem.

Future Goals & Vision

ERP Predictive Analytics

The team of WP ERP always believed hard work and dedication is the key to fulfilling its commitment to ensuring a solid management platform for businesses around the globe. When it comes to building such a solution it always planned two steps ahead than the others. The primary objective is always to provide & ensure an error-free, automated, and better-managed business solution.

In the future also, it wants to give top priority to the latest ERP trends & philosophy into building the solution that its clients desire. With limited resources, a company always requires its business management practice and steps to be taken wisely. Time-sensitive efforts in critical times may lead your business to boom like no other in the long run.

And for such a calculative step to be taken, you need to review the business progress closely giving attention to every detail of specifics. And WP ERP, as a complete HRM, CRM & Accounting management tool envisions it to be the most user-friendly and cost-effective solution for generation after generation.

But above all, WP ERP always eyes on to become a solution for the people by the people, which can save valuable time for its users making things simpler than ever. The goal also stands as more people should be exempted from the time-consuming hassle of reviewing and auditing the business process keeping absolute clarity while allowing employees to manage their work in progress.

In short, whether it is used in any company small or large, in the future it should be able to adapt to any future evolutions. Moreover, it will always want to work and stay as a solution that is known to boost businesses without breaking the user’s pockets.

Achievements Down The Road

No.1 ERP Solution WP ERP

Apart from being actively used by over 10,000 businesses worldwide, WP ERP has been widely praised and honored with best user experience award by financeonline.com. More so it is extensively reviewed, discussed, and mentioned in a number of popular sites for its immense ability to manage the major elements of most modern-day business.

Being the center of attention and receiving a lot of accolades in almost every WordCamps and WordPress communities anyone who has used or learned about it seemed to be fascinated by its cutting-edge features and supreme potentiality.


So, now after almost five years of its journey, it stands right here as the no.1 web-based ERP solution for WordPress. And in the process of proving how a good management solution can improve your business while making its way to the top, it had to overcome many impediments and ensure perfect services all throughout its journey. Some of its impeccable attributes that have contributed to secure its spot as the no.1 ERP solution today include:

  • Free core ERP plugin, pay just for individual modules, updates and support
  • Cloud-based main server so you never lose any data and stay synced always
  • Getting real-time and prompt service with a personal hosting server
  • Intuitive & user-friendly so it enables anyone to use it easily
  • Ease of accessibility from any device
  • Maintains security standard of WordPress
  • Easily expandable for being lightweight and separate module based
  • Requires zero maintenance
  • Open-source solution with custom developments & customization ability
  • Ensured privacy at every step of work
  • Streamlined collaboration among team members for sharing & reviewing projects
  • Last but not least, all HRM, CRM, & Accounting management under one roof

Making it to the top of its game was never easy for WP ERP. And it has made it this far by riding on the shoulder of a number of valuable contributions. Even in the future years, it plans on serving its valued customers with the utmost dedication and cost-effectiveness. Lastly, it vows itself to maintain the same standard of quality service for its users that it has always promised them.

WP ERP All Set To Bring Innovation In The Future Of Business Management


Today, we are very much aware of the importance of ERP for small & medium-sized businesses. And no doubt, an integrated ERP solution is the future of business that we are all looking forward to. Whether you own a small fifty people company or a thousand people enterprise, the demand and usability after implementing the right ERP solution will always stay in its place.

And if the demand is for being able to manage the business in terms of its Human Resources, Customer Relation and Accounting all from the same platform then there aren’t too many ERP solution out there that brings this capacity with so much solidarity into business management as WP ERP does.

Constant up-gradation and modification of a system are what we look for in any solution that we use these days. And WP ERP brings the right blend of innovation & intuitiveness into the future business management practice that we are all getting settled for.

Many success stories of businesses involve the proper implementation of an ERP solution. And so the future of business administration demands technology that brings revolutions and continues updates following the latest business trends. And with WP ERP, it is safe to say, your HR, CR, and Account management are all set to experience the newness that no companies enjoyed before.

Not just one or two, WP ERP offers its service to enjoy three completely separate module HRM, CRM & Accounting under the same platform. You are able to use either of these three or all together based on your needs. This is the kind of flexibility and uniqueness that it always tries to bring to its valued users. And the novelty of it doesn’t just end there.

remote team management

Now WP ERP even got an integrated project management solution, WP Project Manager with it that dedicatedly resolves your project management concern more efficiently than any other contemporary tool.

Moreover, the varied extensions that it offers simply give your growing business the right kind of boost that it always deserves. So if that is the kind of affability and modernity doesn’t take WP ERP to its continuous success each year then what will?

WP ERP solution

But if you are still wondering about the excellence of WP ERP, and curious enough to know how it actually works then you may try out its FREE DEMO.

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