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WP ERP Year in Review 2020: Successes, Challenges & Future Plan

WP ERP Year in Review 2020: Successes, Challenges & Future Plan

The year 2020 is almost at its very end, so it’s time for another edition of WP ERP year in review. Though we all are now kinda hoping that this year gets over sooner than ever. The lives of people have become upside down. And from a business perspective, it was a year full of tragic events with the disastrous business outcome. It made millions of people around the world jobless. Many major business firms even got shut down & bankrupt. This happened within months and all this was due to one single deadly virus outbreak COVID-19. And we all know how in 2020 it affected each one of our daily lives.

And just like all the other businesses, your favorite business management solution, WP ERP was supposed to suffer badly. In terms of making sales and progress in product development, we were supposed to take a massive setback. But luckily enough, the team of WP ERP was fully charged up. And our team never let the business fall back with their sheer dedication and hard work. And due to that, WP ERP has made tremendous progress even during such a global pandemic.

But it is also true that along with making progress and achieving numerous notable milestones in 2020, WP ERP has also faced challenges and learned ways to overcome them to stand beside its users those who are using the solution all over the world. And it might not be the best year from a business point of view but it was definitely not the worst one for us. And today’s WP ERP year in review will highlight all the insights and key details of it.

So, find out how the year 2020 has treated us and panned out for WP ERP and its team in this exclusive WP ERP Year in Review. Also, let’s know a little more about our successes, the difficulties we faced, the hard lessons we learned, and our future plan as a team.

WP ERP Year in Review: Summary of Success in 2020

The main purpose of developing a solution like WP ERP was always to support the essential business management departments of companies and to empower them. And we are glad to inform you that even in such a difficult situation throughout the whole year of 2020, the team of WP ERP was able to ensure maximum customer satisfaction providing the best in the business solution and service for them.

Even in this critical time, WP ERP tried to stand beside businesses and companies keeping its business objectives intact. And this is why it has experienced incredible success even in such hostile conditions for businesses all over the world.

As a team, we have reached some notable milestones and made remarkable progress to grow bigger than before even in this year of the global pandemic. And its number talks for itself.

WP ERP Review

Till 2020, as of now the active installations of WP ERP have raised up to 10,000, average ratings have touched an impressive feat of 4.5* out of 5 with a lifetime download of over 333,972 and counting. 

How The Year 2020 Began for WP ERP

It was never an easy year for any business firm by any means. We all know how the sudden COVID-19 pandemic has made people’s life miserable at the beginning of 2020. And now let’s know how the year 2020 has begun in this detailed WP ERP Year in Review.

But after a productive and progressive 2019, the team of WP ERP started off the year 2020 with the same mindset of doing better than the previous year. Though the sudden pandemic has hit the whole business world in the worst possible way. But luckily, our team was determined enough to hold the same momentum that we brought from 2019 to 2020.

All throughout the year 2020, we were able to keep the same energy going within the team. Though the first couple of months of the pandemic was tough as many of us were worried about the impact that it is going to make on the business and performance of our solution. But after an initial couple of months, it turned out the demand for WP ERP didn’t decline. In some cases, it was doing better than the previous few months.

Soon our team got used to living with the whole pandemic situation and everything started to get normal. The team stayed motivated & were able to develop new features and release regular version updates to our solution just like every other year.

WP ERP Year in Review: Flashback

So just like 2019, 2020 also started off by seeing many excellent features, bug fixes, regular updates without any halt of any sort. And even though there were speculations that the sudden pandemic hitting the world could very well bring a severe pause in our business but fortunately enough, it didn’t happen, and all thanks to our dedicated team that worked day-night to keep the same energy going even during the first quarter of 2020 & peak of Covid-19 pandemic

Here is a quick glimpse of how WP ERP have stepped into 2020 from the most successful year 2019

How WP ERP Looked After Businesses In This Global Pandemic

Once the fear of COVID-19 broke out, people all over the world were advised to stay at home. Most companies had encouraged their employees to work from home. Even our team of WP ERP along with its mother company weDevs were asked to start working from home in order to keep everyone safe. Here is how we have made this global pandemic purposeful for businesses around the world explained in this WP ERP Year in Review.

How WP ERP supported businesses In Global Pandemic

As more and more businesses have started to work remotely during this pandemic, therefore it had become quite a challenge to manage the employees online and from home. This was when our WP ERP’s HR module had proved to be a handy tool for everyone. Our company weDevs managed over 80+ employees with this solid HR Management solution along with thousands of companies all over the world.

No matter whether you are working from the office or home, employees are needed to perform a number of office & employee-related activities. And during this global pandemic, the HR module of WP ERP has made employee management of every user smoother than ever. So the solution has indeed helped the companies needing to deal with their employees who are working remotely from home.

Listed below are the human resource management-related tasks that were efficiently managed with WP ERP’s HR Module.

  • Remote employee attendance management
  • Complete leave management
  • Asset management
  • Recruiting new employees remotely
  • Training new employees
  • Detailed status and employee reports 
  • Documents, files & folder management
  • Payroll management

And There’s More….

ERP, CRM, HRM, Accounting

Not just the HR module of WP ERP, even the CRM & Accounting module of WP ERP enabled us and the users around the world to ensure complete customer and the management of their accounts in this pandemic period. With most people staying home in this epidemic, online e-commerce businesses made a fortune out of it.

Many business owners have shifted their mode of business into online selling through a single-seller e-commerce site or multi-vendor marketplace. This is why they need to integrate a solid CRM with e-commerce to manage their huge numbers of in-coming customers ordering online in this pandemic.

And WP ERP CRM being integrated with e-commerce has created the opportunity for the sellers to help contrive customers during this whole challenging period of COVID-19 outbreak worldwide.

On top of that, an integrated solution, the WP Project manager has made the remote project management of teams around the world easier and more engaging than ever. During this unfortunate epidemic situation, we wanted to help small business owners. People who were forced to manage their projects and individual/group task from home.

So we offered WP Project Manager Pro absolutely free for 3 months to everyone. With its premium plan, users were able to enjoy essential features & key functionalities like Kanban Board, Gantt Chart, Time Tracker, Sub Task, Team Discussion, Sprint Task, Recurring Task, Milestone, Interactive Calendar, Slack Integration, Invoice, etc.

WP ERP: Major Features Added & Issues Solved in 2020

WP ERP features & updates

There were 20 new free version releases in the year 2020 for WP ERP. It included more than 63 new features & updates, 73+ small & major bug fixes & issues solved along with 20+ tweaks and enhancements. 

And when it comes to the premium version of WP ERP in 2020, then the number stands to something like this:

Features Added/Number of new features: 17+ Features
Issues solved: 30 (Pro & extension combined)
New releases: 16 (Pro & extension combined)

You can check the complete change-log of new updates, fixes, enhancements & tweaks based on each new free version release in 2020 from here

Where Does WP ERP Stand Now and Will in 2021?

ERP Solution for business success

Apart from being a successful year, 2020 was full of hurdles, difficulties, and lessons learned. This year has taught us how to face-off a global pandemic like the COVID-19 outbreak and come out as a conqueror in the business world. Even after so many obstacles this year, our team hasn’t got demotivated and low among themselves.

More importantly, WP ERP as a solution has grown into a big number even in this epidemic. It also managed to achieve a number of distinguished milestones. In many cases, 2020 has even surpassed 2019 as well. And so at the end of the year 2020, it now stands at a solid position with a solution that fulfills every business management needs.

And now in the year 2021, the dedicated team is looking forward to turning WP ERP into a more client-centric solution. A solution that will evidently make the life of all our customers easier. Our users have already suggested a number of cool and beneficial features to include in the solution. So, in 2021, our team will mainly try to fulfill their demands & focus on that. Each of the three modules of WP ERP i.e. CRM, HR Manager & Accounting, will be given equal importance in adding features & updates that clients have been requesting us for. 

And here are the individual module wise plans that our WP ERP team will look to successfully execute in the year 2021.  

CRM in 2021

Role of CRM e-commerce

The CRM module of WP ERP will look to include features that would streamline the whole solution providing smoother customer relationship management for all its users. Something that will enable them to follow up & easily track queries from subscribers, leads, potential customers etc.

Moreover, the features will look to improve the smart contact management from the client’s side helping them manage the user’s life state better. The communication process with clients to be improved with its integrated mailing system. Keeping track of calls, meetings, emails, SMS among customers and representatives will be much easier. Advanced contact filtering along with tasks assigning to CRM agents will be done much quicker. 

HR Management in 2021

wordpress hr management plugin

The sole intention will be to provide a much easier employee management solution for the users. This web-based online HR system will ensure a better functional remote working option. It will contain much-improved privacy controls as well as a centralized medium to store unlimited data. 

Employee, designation, department, reporting, and leave management will get resolved much more professionally. Evaluating the performance of employees will be easily manageable. And the recruiting process would get much seamless than ever with payroll option r. Along with that, there are plans for adding new features in all the key attributes and settings of the modules.  

Accounts Management in 2021

Accounting module WP ERP

The Accounting module of WP ERP has been added with a number of useful features in 2020. And it has a plan that will keep on getting new features and updates in the year 2021 too. 

The payment method will get further enhanced. And it will have sales transactions that will be flexible enough to accommodate and calculate the sales data better. The option of invoicing and receiving payments will get more improved. So that the users get to make or receive payments much faster. Inventory management will see a better reporting process for products purchase, sales, and overall inventory stock. Lastly, the tax calculation system, as well as expense transaction tracking, will get to be handled much easier than ever before. 

Apart from these three core modules, the project management solution, WP Project Manager will be loaded with many innovative features. And it will come in handy for every project management need.

Here is the highlights of the whole year 2020 compiled in this exclusive video:

WP ERP Year 2020 In Review

Looking Ahead To a COVID-19 Free & Prosperous 2021

WP ERP in 2021

If someone asks you how was your 2020, then we are sure you wouldn’t really call it an ideal year that you have always hoped for. This year was definitely a year that everyone would like to forget as soon as they can. Millions of people have lost their lives in a single year getting infected from this novel coronavirus. And for businesses small or big, it was a calamitous year from every angle. Even though many businesses have made fortunes out of this situation like the Face Mask and Hand Sanitizer manufacturers. but most common businesses have suffered nevertheless.

With so many negatives this year, there is a bright side to us being taught how to fight back & survive overcoming the challenges of worst circumstances. But definitely, this is not the type of year we would ever want even in our wildest of dreams. So here’s hoping for a virus-free, prosperous 2021 for all our users and well-wishers.

All Thanks to Our Loyal Customers

Moreover from our side, our team of WP ERP would like to take a moment and show our gratitude to each one of our loyal customers for their unconditional love, support & patience even at a year as challenging as this. The success that we have achieved in 2020 wouldn’t be a reality if it wasn’t for the infinite trust & faith that they had in us.

And we are pretty hopeful that it will remain the same in the coming years as well. As we promise to make our solution even more client-centric. And ensure services to our valued users even better than the previous years in 2021.

But for now, there is nothing more that we want or need than a COVID-19 free world. And right at this moment, the good news of more people getting cured and vaccinated every day is already a sigh of relief for all of us.

So let’s end this year’s year-end review by hoping that everything along with the businesses will get back to normal by 2021. And also hope that like always WP ERP will be able to stand beside each of those companies in need like a true companion.

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