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How IP Restriction Feature Adds Security with WP ERP’s Attendance Tool

How IP Restriction Feature Adds Security with WP ERP’s Attendance Tool

Security nowadays is everything when it comes to the digital world. Every site you visit should make its visitors feel secured. Most large companies are implementing high-end security systems to keep their business and site secured. This is really important if you want to keep yourself protected from the prying eyes of evil outsiders.

And this is the same for most business’s HR management as well.

Employee’s attendance management is not a small deal that you can easily manage without proper monitoring or tracking system in place. Due to not having a solid security protocol, there is always an occurrence of regular time theft.

And this is when the IP restriction feature of WP ERP’s attendance tool could come in real handy to add an extra layer of security to your employee’s attendance monitoring.

So in today’s post, we will be learning how this IP restriction feature of the Attendance extension of your favorite business management solution, WP ERP enables you to control your employee’s attendance.

But before that, we have an announcement about what you are going to get with the latest release of this exclusive Attendance add-on and also all its exciting features including the impressive IP restriction feature itself.

WP ERP Attendance Tool: Latest Updates, New Features and Changes

Attendance Tool WP ERP

To provide you with the best WordPress attendance management solution, we are continually updating this extension. In this process, we are introducing new features, fixing bugs, and also making changes to the system.

The latest WP ERP Attendance extension more has many features that help you with many problems related to employee work hours, scheduling, performance calculations, meaningful reports, and many more.

Here is a list of features that you are going to miss out if you don’t get this Attendance add-on:

  • Complete attendance tracking
  • Data import feature from any attendance hardware
  • Comprehensive shift roster management system
  • Self-aware work hours to employees
  • No more time theft due to IP restriction based attendance
  • Insightful reporting & detailed analytics facility
  • Employee scheduling
  • Email reminder option for attendance notification to the employee

But today we are not going to talk about any of the above-mentioned features but the added security that the IP restriction feature adds to your employee attendance management.

So let’s dive into it.

IP restriction Feature Adds Security to Your Employee Attendance Management

Increase Integrity and Security with IP Restriction

If you want a reliable system where you can prevent time theft, then your wait is over. Now, you can get a more secure IP restriction feature with the WP ERP Attendance extension.

Now, you may ask- ‘What is IP Restriction?

This feature allows you to white-list IP addresses from which your employees will be able to check-in or check-out. This also ensures security and productivity as your employees have to check-in from the IP addresses that you have white-listed.

Why Would You Require IP Restriction

Self attendance allows your employees to check-in and check-out by themselves from their devices. It is useful when there is no bio-metric or attendance machine. But the truth is- some employees may take the advantage of this feature. Yes, you heard it right!

Your employees may check-in from their own devices even they are outside of the workplace. A similar case may occur in case of check-out. People may leave the workplace before their shift and just click on the check-out button from a remote place. This is known as time theft.

You prevent these scenario’s and increase the integrity of your employee attendance using the IP restriction feature. You can list white-listed IP addresses of your workplace. In this way, your employees have to check-in or check-out from these IP’s only. Otherwise, they won’t be able to perform self attendance.

How to Setup IP Restriction

If you are already using the Attendance extension, just navigate to Attendance settings and enable this feature. There is a field where you can input all the IP addresses to restrict your employees to check-in or check-out from outside their respective workplace.

IP restriction feature

Bonus: A More Convenient Roster Management System

The Roster Management of Attendance extension has also been updated. You can easily create shifts and assign them to your employees. This way you can easily manage all the shifts and create a perfect schedule to improve your operations.

IP restriction of attendance tool

This feature has an easy drag and drop function. You can drag any shift and assign them to your employees. There is also the scope of assigning multiple shifts to a single employee. You can also copy the schedule of a week to the upcoming ones for a more convenient and automated system.

manage shifts with attendance tool

Self Attendance System with Useful Insights

The self attendance system for your employees is now more improved. They can get insights into their shifts and timing easily besides check-in and checkout. The attendance widget also contains insights about the attendance status of the employees.

attendance tool

Attendance extension is the most popular solution to WP ERP. It is being improved every single day with lots of new features. If you haven’t updated it to the latest version yet, update now to grab these new features. This will help you to manage your employees properly and also increase productivity by saving you valuable time.

Keep Better Track of Your Employee Efficient Hour With the Right Attendance Tool

An employee missing a day at work shouldn’t interrupt your business. Even if they are not present at work for another day you and your business should be able to work it out without them. But what about the employees that take 3-4 days off calling it sick on regular basis? What about the employees that work really hard and work overtime without taking any sick leave. So there should be a definite attendance policy that takes care of these violations of employees.

And so with the right attendance tool, you will be able to track and monitor these irregularities of employee attendance. And WP ERP’s Attendance tool extension takes care of all of that and more. Not just that, WP ERP’s HR Management module also consists of several other useful free and pro extensions like Advanced Leave Management, HR Frontend, Workflow, Reimbursement, Recruitment, and more. You can check out the list of complete WP ERP HR extensions right ➜here

What’s More WP ERP Has To Offer for Its Non-Users?


And in case you are still not a user of WP ERP or not aware of its other capabilities into operating your other key business departments, then you may want to:

Along with all the free core features, WP ERP also comes with premium features for advanced users that are included in its module of CRM, Accounting including a standalone project management solution WP Project Manager.

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