This page holds all the basic information about your company and its branches. These information will be used across the system. All the basic information about your company should be listed on the first section.
If you have just installed the plugin, then there will be no locations available. So you just have to add the company details.
Click on Edit and add your company information to the ERP system.
You have to include the following-
- Company Name
- Address
- City
- Country
- Province/ State (if available)
- Postal code
- Phone
- Fax (in any)
- Mobile (if any)
- Website
After entering these, hit the Update Company button.

After clicking on the edit option, you’ll get the details to edit.

Locations are to list branch offices. Let’s say weDevs has 3 offices. The main office is located at Bangladesh and the other branches are in Australia and United States.
So, we have put the main office address on the first section and the other offices on-location field. These locations will be used to assign workplaces of the employees. And the main branch information will be used on invoices and other printable documents.

Adding or Editing Locations
You can add or edit locations. To add a new location, click on the Create New Location button. A new form will appear. Fill in the form and include –
- Location Name
- Address
- City
- Country
- Province / State (if any)
- Postal / Zip Code
Finally, hit the create button.