Overview of Complete ERP Core Settings
You have already configured your WP ERP core settings with the help of Easy Setup Wizard at the time of installation. If you have missed anything or need more configuration, navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → WP ERP → Settings.

You will find several tabs on this page which will help to set up WP ERP properly.
Please Note: There are several tabs in this menu, some of which will only appear depending on the modules you have activated or installed additional add-ons. Only the settings which are basic to the ERP core system are covered here.
Tab – General

From here you can set a launching date of your company, financial year and set date formats among other stuff. This will take effect on your reports and calendar so set this at the very beginning of your setup.
The debug is for advanced users or programmers only.
Tab – HR
This tab controls the settings of your HR module. Configure your office weekends or attendance from this tab.
You can set all the 7 days of the week as working, non-working, or half-working days. This selection will be recurring throughout the calendar.

This tab has all the leave-related settings under HR Management of WP ERP.

You can check box the dedicated settings to activate or deactivate certain features of your employees’ leave options.
Leave Years
This tab enables you to add the Leave Years of your employees.

Add the years of leave, along with the start date & end date of those leave years.

From this tab, you will be able to enable or disable the feature of removing WordPress users when you remove an employee.
Tab – CRM
You can configure your CRM module contact importing settings and other settings relevant to add-ons from this menu.
You can auto-import a WP user or ERP subscriber to the CRM whenever they are created.
Auto Import: Turn it on or off.
User roles: Choose the roles that will be imported whenever a user based on this role is created or added.
Default contact owner: Who will be assigned to the contact by default. Usually the CRM lead or the manager.
Default life stage: What will be the stage you prefer them to be initiated in.

Contact Forms
The Contact Forms tab under CRM Management has the list of preset contact forms in it. You can select integrated Contact Forms, in this regard CRM has integrations with Contact Form 7. Under Contact form 1, there is Form Field and CRM Contact Option. You can also select the available Contact Group & Contact Owner from the drop-down list.

Note: WP ERP has built-in support for Contact Form 7 and Ninja Forms. If you have any of the form plugins installed, you will find settings to configure your forms.
The Subscription tab under the CRM management menu comes with all sorts of Contact Group subscription settings such as Enable Signup Confirmation, Email subject, Email Content, Subscription Page, confirmation Page, Unsubscribe Page, and Edit Subscription Page.

You can customize the message body and other settings of all these subscriptions to update them from here.
Tab – Accounting Management
Customer Settings
The tab contains the accounting settings of your customers. Get to turn ON/OFF auto import or tick mark the checkbox to decide where you want to import your user’s data from.

Currency Settings
From this Tab, you get to adjust your default currency-related settings like Currency Position, Thousand Separator, and Decimal Separator.

Financial Years
From this tab, you can add financial years or fiscal years for your business enterprise.

Tab – Emails
Configure your Predefined email templates from this tab. As you know, the HR & CR module can trigger notification mails on several actions. There are already 4 predefined templates for sending email notifications to users.
To make a change to any template, please click on the Configure button to the right of the template.

From this tab, you will be able to customize the Email Sender Options. Set Sender Name, Address, Header Image, and Footer test for your outgoing emails.
Enabling SMTP
Configure settings for all your outgoing emails for WP-ERP modules.

Enable / Disable SMTP: If disabled, the default WordPress mailing system will be used.
Mail server: Use the server address provided by your email service provider.
Port: The port number can also be found in the email service provider’s settings.
Authentication: Select the type of authentication if you are using any.
Username & Password: For our mailing client to access your email server, you need to provide these credentials.
Enable Debugging: This is for developers, if enabled it lets you debug any issue automatically.
And at the bottom, you can send a test email to yourself or a test account to check if everything is working fine.
Enabling IMAP
These settings handle all the incoming emails for you. Learn more about IMAP.

Status: The status window shows if your incoming mail server is active or working.
Enable/Disable IMAP: If disabled, you will receive no inbound emails from your CRM module.
Cron Schedule: How often your system will check for inbound emails.
Mail server: Your mail service provider’s server address.
Username and Password: Your mail credentials will be used to authenticate.
Port: It holds the port number of your mail service
Authentication: The type of authentication you will be using. If you do not match this and all the other details right, it will not work.
Test the connection whether it is working or not by clicking on the button named ‘Test Connection‘
Read this documentation to learn more about SMTP and IMAP/POP3.
Outgoing & Incoming Email Settings
Now, let’s simply show a demonstration of incoming & outgoing email settings for IMAP.
The outgoing email setting helps you send emails through an SMTP server. If someone replies to that email, the incoming email settings pass through the SMTP gateway and get that message to your WP ERP.
To see how it works, toggle on the Enable IMAP.
Select minute(s) of your Cron Schedule. It determines how many minutes later the incoming email settings will search for new replies and pass that through the SMTP gateway.
Now, navigate to WP ERP > CRM. Click on the Email icon.
Create an email. Give it a subject line and complete its description. After that, hit the Send Email button.
You can see the sent new email has been added to the list below.
Your recipient receives the email. This email is sent by the SMTP gateway you integrated (It could be through Mailgun, Mailchimp, or some other sender).
Compose a reply from the recipient’s email address and press the Send button.
The reply to the email will be displayed as a conversation just like the image below.
This was an overall overview of all the WP ERP settings available for you.