HRM Core

Import-Export Employee

Now with the latest WP ERP Core v1.8.5 and onwards, you can import your employee whenever you need it using the HR module. The entire process is so easy that you can do it with just one click.

So in this documentation, we’ll briefly explain how to use this feature and import employees to WP ERP.

Using Import Feature of WP ERP HR Management

We have improved the Import features in WP ERP with the latest version 1.14.10.

A new “Employee ID” field has been added to the .csv import navigating from WP ERP > HR > People > Import, making it easier to track employees during the import process.

We’ve made improvements to the Employee Designation and Department fields.

Previously, when importing employees from WP ERP > HR > People > Import, you had to match each email address with an existing Designation and Department Name.
Now, the process is much simpler. Just add the Designation and Department Name for each employee, and the system will automatically assign them if they already exist.

If a Department or Designation isn’t in the system, it will be created automatically upon importing the .csv file.

The Designation and Department have been added automatically after importing employees.

Location Field

For the Location field (Company Location), if the location exists in WP ERP >> Company, it will be assigned to the corresponding company.

For example, if your company has two branches named Main Location and Dhaka, Aminul will be assigned to the Main Location, while Arman will be assigned to Dhaka following the below scenarios. However, if John’s location field is blank, he will be assigned to the Main Location, as it is the main branch.

You can add the location from WP ERP >> Company >> Create New Location.

Reporting to

While assigning John(or any other employees) under any other employees/users in the “Reporting to” field, that user email address has to be filled into the “Reporting to” field. So John will be assigned under Arman Miyaz. Following below scenarios.

If the user or employee email is not created for John’s assignment or if the field is left blank, the “Reporting to” field will remain empty.

Additionally, if the user or employee email is not created before or during the import process, the system cannot locate or add users without valid information.

You can always fill out the “Reporting to” field manually by navigating from WP ERP > HR > People > click on the employee name > Job > update job information.


Next, if you also want to Export employee then click on the Export button placed just beside Import. And then similarly, you’ll get another window but with all the fields to export the employees that are already saved on your database.

  • You can select specific fields of employees to export, or you can select all of the fields together. Once you select them as per your need, click on the Export button. Then you’ll automatically get a CSV file downloaded on your device. You can now use and access the exported employee list on any device for future references.

That’s all we have for the latest import-export employee feature of the WP ERP HR module.

If you have any further queries regarding the export-import feature, you may contact our support team.

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