CRM Core

CRM Task Management

Managing and assigning tasks to your contacts under your preferred CRM agent is easier than ever with the WP ERP CRM task management feature. In this way, you can assign tasks to agents from your sales or marketing team when you need a person to attend for a customer and also track the task activities of each contact by regulating your work seamlessly.

How to Create a Task with WP ERP CRM

Now we’ll see how to create a task within your WP ERP CRM by the following steps:-

  • First, navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → WP ERP → CRM → Contacts. Next, click on the desired client or contact’s name. And click on the Tasks tab
CRM Task Management
  • Create a task, select the name of the Agent from the drop-down, and add a description.
Creating Task
  • If the task is added to the activity log, you are now sure that the task has been created.
Task activities

Contact Task Management

Now after creating a task by the admin, CRM Agents can see all the tasks from the dashboard.

  • To get access to all your task, navigate to WP ERP>CRM>Tasks.
CRM task management
  • Thereafter, as an admin, you can see both My Task & All tasks from here.
CRM task management
  • And also, you can mark it as complete after your task is being finished
CRM task management
  • If your agents want to check the task, s/he can also check that. But s/he could only his/her task, but not all the tasks.
CRM contact's task

So this is how you can manage your CRM contact’s task.

CRM contact's task

That’s it!

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